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A modified KISS
By Keith Spera
"I don't blame people for not believing that this is the last tour, and that's OK," said KISS bassist GENE SIMMONS in 2000, during what he promised would be his band's farewell. "People will believe what they want."

Believe this: If a dollar remains on, under or near the table, Simmons will unapologetically make a grab for it. Thus, a modified KISS is back on the road.

On the current "Rock the Nation" tour, Simmons and co-leader PAUL STANLEY are joined by ERIC SINGER, who occupied the drum chair for several years prior to the original quartet's 1996 reunion. Singer returned when original drummer PETER CRISS bowed out of the band's 2001 tour of Australia and Japan.

Founding guitarist ACE FREHLEY is also gone, replaced by TOMMY THAYER, a longtime behind-the-scenes member of the KISS camp. Thayer has written songs, worked on KISS home videos and served as the KISS tour manager from 1996 to 2002.

Stanley, Simmons, Thayer and Singer barrel through 30 years of KISS classics, a catalog that includes such parking lot anthems as "Love Gun," "God of Thunder," "Dr. Love," "Detroit Rock City," "Cold Gin" and "Rock 'n Roll All Nite." And they'll likely augment the sonic bombast with the requisite pyrotechnics, fire-breathing and faux-blood-spewing.

But momentum may not be on their side. With no new music and the novelty of reapplied makeup wearing thin after eight years and one "farewell" tour, ticket sales for the "Rock the Nation" campaign have been sluggish in some markets.

The band's declining local fortunes are telling. The reunited quartet headlined the Superdome in '96, then filled the smaller New Orleans Arena in 2000. This time around, KISS will play a New Orleans Arena cut down to a reduced configuration.

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