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Sean Delaney Biography
"Hellbox", a biography of Sean Delaney, the self-proclaimed creator of theatrical KISS and one of the most enigmatic and forgotten legendary songwriters and record producers in the music industry, has just been published by Xlibris, a subsidiary of Random House, Inc.

In 1966, a young hippie named Sean Delaney arrived in New York City and checked into the YMCA with two dollars in his pocket. Years later, he became one of the top ten record producers in the music industry, and was in part responsible for signing a little-known band to their first six-month contract. The band was KISS, and the rest became history that had forgotten his presence until the day he died. In the highly anticipated new book, "Hellbox", author Bryan J. Kinnaird chronicles Sean Delaney's journey, a pilgrimage that epitomized a radical lifestyle, and spanned over a broad spectrum of events leading to the creation of KISS.

The book "reveals previously untold tales from behind the mystical veil that shrouds KISS, painting a fascinating portrait that depicts their formation while it follows the life of Sean Delaney," according to a press release. In addition, "Hellbox" "hints at a formidable tale of betrayal and gives unique insight into a secret alliance — and quite possibly a conspiracy — that corrupted the partnership of the people who originally guided KISS to superstardom."

"Hellbox" proposes a theory that conspiracy may have rocked the business that became the most lucrative rock-and-roll dynasty in music history. Littered with intimate trysts from his openly homosexual lifestyle and destructive relationships, Sean's story mends damaging and apocryphal truths that he claimed had been published over the years. It finally gives a collection of facts that have never been accounted for, and rewrites an erased volume of missing history, which was the void that sent Sean to his self-imposed exile from the music industry for more than fifteen years.

Read an excerpt from the book at this location. To order a copy, click here.

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