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KISS & tell: Gene's life could become reality
by Richard Huff
Kiss bassist GENE SIMMONS could soon join the ranks of rockers in reality TV.

Simmons, known for spitting blood onstage and dalliances with thousands of women off—stage, is considering three different reality—show pitches that will revolve around his life.

"People want to follow me around," he said. "I publish magazines, and I have a bizarre lifestyle. I can be up on stage and wear more makeup and high heels than your mommy did. And off stage I wear suits."

What also makes Simmons intriguing to producers is his personal life — he refuses to get married, though he lives with former Playboy playmate turned soft—core star Shannon Tweed, and he's made no qualms about squeezing every penny he can from KISS fans.

In fact, which reality show he chooses — if any — will be based on the paycheck.

"There are three on the table," he said. "And I'm no different than the whore on the street corner: For the right price, I'll do it."

For now, however, Simmons can be seen on Friday's 9 p.m. season opener of NBC's "Third Watch." It's the third part of a story arc that began at the end of last season. He plays a creep whose kid was killed by the cops. He's now out for revenge.

The producers called last season, and it turns out Simmons was already a regular viewer of the John Wells—produced series.

"It's an ensemble cast, it's not based around the stars, most people don't know who's on the show," he said. "It's very riveting. I find the show well—written. I did it because I was a fan of the show."

Simmons said he is called frequently for similar roles. The success of KISS, which recently ended a tour, allows him to be choosy. Most of the roles he gets, however, are similar.

"I have certain looks," he said. "I'm sort of big and dark. If you take a look at the history of television characters, and motion picture characters, you have to get off the ground, then you get some flexibility. ... It takes a while before you can break out of the bad guys and break into comedy."

Besides "Third Watch," Simmons will also be seen in an upcoming edition of "American Idol" and may do more.

He's also working on launching a production company to produce movie and television fare.

"I appreciate not having to work for a living," he said. Which is, of course, exactly what makes him a draw for reality producers.

"I refuse to abide by the rules of society. Life's too short to make society happy," he said. "I have to say that every day of my life has been wonderful."

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