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Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in my message, but I have been taking care of moving my elderly parents closer to me, which is a huge project. I knew I would be dealing with this as soon as I returned from my trip from Europe, and thankfully things are finally being worked out. Will be great to have them 10 minutes away instead of an hour from my home.

On to my amazing journey. Started in Boston with the last GFR show of 2004. We hit the freak November snow storm that gave the beantown 6 inches and whipping cold weather but I looked at it as a reminder winter is here and I will be cold in Europe. Odd though that the weather that weekend in Boston was colder than anything I experienced in Switzerland etc!

The Grand Funk show in Plymouth, MA was sold out and it was great to do yet another east coast show for the band. We hope to play more dates on that coast next year. The band and our special cyberfunker fans all had some drinks and food after the show. THANK YOU all for making 2004 a successful GFR year again!

Being on the east coast made my flight to London MUCH shorter than coming from LA. For that I was grateful. Arrived the next morning, and then took the short flight to Geneva to get settled there for a few days before the shows would begin. My friend Nicolas who arranged much of this trip for me, took me off to the hotel in the amazing VALIAS (Valley) area of Switzerland. I met my old guitarist Vince, and the new singer Mark from the band Crystal Ball, and we started rehearsing for my first acoustic shows. Mark is a great singer, but he wasn't really familiar with all the KISS songs I asked him to learn. ld him to have fun with the set, as the fans will sing along. Sure enough off at the first village in Switzerland, the fans loved seeing me upclose and intimate. They sang along with us, as I did my best tearing up a borrowed electric acoustic guitar, playing songs like "Comin Home", "Tears Are Falling", "Hard Luck Woman", "Rock Bottom", "Hide Your Heart", "Nothing to Lose" and added of course, "I Walk Alone" from COS, and solo songs from both my discs AUDIODOG and TRANSFORMER. I also performed a solo piece in a Jimmy Page Zeppelin fashion which went over very well.

Off to a cool club in Italy after traveling through the alps. The trip was so beautiful, although the tunnel that is called Gothard in Southern Switzerland was quite scary. 12 kilometers long, and it was much worse than going through the Lincoln tunnel in New York.

We wound up in a town called Bassano De Grappa and it was about an hour away from Venice. The fans were very excited and that was such a long day of travel. We did a great show and once again the fans sang along with all the choruses. After a big meal for lunch the next morning (the Italians love to eat, pizza pasta, pizza pasta!!! I felt like I was pregnant...) off to Milan for our last acoustic show of the trip. Milan was interesting. I broke a string right off in the second song, so without a spare guitar I was teaching the crowd how to change strings! But the fans were wonderful and my Italian promoter Debbie, is a great woman. She took care of me and the guys and got me and Nicolas to the airport very early the next day for my trip to Dusseldorf, Germany for the expo and clinic there in Witten.

Tired but happy to be back in Germany (land of BMW!!) I showered and got ready for 9 hours of being at the event. Chris and Harald put on a very successful Expo and the fans really enjoyed the day. It was cold and drizzling outside, so everyone was happy to be rocking at the Expo. I was too tired to jam with the band as I was up so early, but the fans who attended the clinic did get to really see me play as that was a very spirited clinic for me. I threw in many surprises as I even played and sang "Crazy" from my solo disc Transformer on the spot when requested by this sweet mother and daughter. ( I am a softy considering I am a rocker!).

Off to Switerland for some days off, and we arrive at the airport in Dusseldorf, to find out that the flight was cancelled. But we got there on another airline and took a train from Milan to wind up back in the Swiss Alps. I stayed in Martigny a lovely French speaking town situated in the Valley between unbelievable mountains called the Alps of course. Ate and rested well, and the weather for the next days was very mild and sunny. Also, one evening Nicolas and his lovely Leti and some friends took me to a very nice hot sping bath hotel spa. We soaked and did the full spa steam room, sauna, jacuzzi hot spring experience until my fingers looked like prunes. All my muscles were relaxed after that! Went to the town of SION after that for some Chinese food. As you can imagine all the food in Europe is amazing including McDonald's. Yes I said McDonald's. Prices are high, but the quality of every food product is perfect. My tummy was spoiled and quite happy. (back to eating less and working out of course now that I am home... )

One last event in Switzerland, a clinic in the French part of the country (Chaux de Fonds, try saying that one if you don't know French! ) and that was a huge crowd for a that kind of an event. The crowd really were so happy for me to be there and I sold many CD's and photos which made me real happy of course.

Next day off to Nottingham, and I sadly said goodbye to Switzerland and Nicolas, but promised we will do more work like this in the future. David the promoter and his lady Rachel set me up at the hotel around the corner from the venue which is truly a rock and roll institution in England. The Rock City club is just packed all weekend with fans of rock who love to party. The UK expo was huge, and I had so many fans thank me for coming back to Great Britian. It had been quite a while, so that made me feel great.

I signed and did my Q and A which was hosted by my friend Rikk from Holland and a famous radio TV guy Iain Lee. Later on I jammed with the tribute band, Dressed to Kill. They did a great job and we had the crowd going crazy. (they were in make up so that was a bit strange for me, but it worked!) The next day I had one more event planned, a clinic at the Hard Rock in Nottingham. I want to thank them for making me very comfortable and outside of the crazy lights which made me feel like I was on an acid trip, it was a cool event. (they gave me a pair of Hard Rock sunglasses so I could reduce the light show which could not be controlled).

Next day a very British limo driver took me to Manchester about 2 and quarter hours away from Nottingham, for my journey back to Heathrow, London to Boston flight. I saw the real English countryside and churchs and villages and thought how much history happened in all those fields and buildings. He had such an accent but I was able to make out what he said, so I could enjoy his sightseeing tips of our long journey.

Back at London, Heathrow Airport did some Holiday shopping for my family and friends and then off to Boston to sleep before a morning flight from the east coast to the west.

19 days later I was back home to see my dog and family, safe and sound. I want to thank everyone who worked me or looked after me, Nicolas, Leti, Vince, Mark, Alex and Alain from Switzerland, Debbie and Jan from Italy, Chris and Harald from Germany, Rikk from Holland, Rachel, David, Carrine from Nottingham, and Lisa and Missi who showed up from the US to help me at UK expo. Thank you all for helping me making my trip a success.

Now back to helping my parents and trying to enjoy the holiday season.

News on UNION is a few warm up shows in LA Jan 14th in Tarzana at PALADINO'S and Jan 15th at THE GALAXY in Anaheim, with LA GUNS. The two shows in Tokyo Japan are Jan 29th and 30th. UNION DVD will be ready for sale by then from me, details to follow.

More stuff to talk about but I need to rest!

THANKS again to all the fans who supported me on this trip. It means alot to me.

Take care, and the details for everything happening in January are coming in a few days. All the best and happy holidays and New Years to you all. Have a safe Holiday Season!

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