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Confidentially Speaking With Taylor Wane
by Jesse Capps
I've seen you out and about with GENE SIMMONS a lot. Judging from our conversation today I think you and Gene have a lot in common, attitude-wise. How long have you known him?

Gene's a very good friend of mine. I just saw him last week. We're embarking on a new business deal. I can't really discuss it right now but if it happens it's gonna be great. I originally met Gene 10 years ago. It was the month I was on the cover of Penthouse, so it was June '94. Hustler was having a party and Gene was there. That night I was hanging out with Glenn Danzig and some other people. Savannah was there and I think the Nelson twins were there. Gene walked up to me and invited me to dinner. I was with a group of people so I told him "thanks," but I couldn't go. I didn't really keep contact with him until a few years later. My promotions manager sent my picture to Ladies In Waiting on Gene's site. He put me on his site and Gene contacted me and said he wanted me to come to some of his launch parties and promotions. It was hard for me at first. I told him I was running my own business and I can't just take off and go galavanting. I'm not that kind of girl! I'm running a business. I thought about it for a couple of days. "GENE SIMMONS from KISS is inviting me to go do these things and hang out and I'm turning it down because I have to work?" I have people that work for me - I can go galavant! I called him back and told him I'd do it. He flew me to New York. That was the beginning of the friendship. We've been very good friends for a couple of years now. Whenever he's doing a TV show or a launch party - I just did the cover of Dub magazine with him a couple of weeks ago. He did a show for the Travel Channel that's called Star Travel. I was on that show with him. I did the A&E Biography with Gene. I also did his music video. We're good friends and we talk on the phone a lot. He's a great guy. He's honestly a super nice human being. If fans run up to him he'll take a picture just like that. He'll say hello to every one of them. He's not mean and nasty to anybody. He's nice and polite to everybody. I have to admit. I am in awe of GENE SIMMONS. I don't care who knows it. The man is really intelligent and I admire anybody that has a wealth of knowledge. He has knowledge about all kinds of stuff and he's street smart. You have to admire somebody like that. He's a great businessman. He's aggressive and he knows how to go after what he wants in life. That's something that I admire. It's a compliment to me when you say I'm similar to him. I strive to be business savvy and aggressive. I work hard and I want to be able to achieve all kinds of things. I like to say it'd be cool if I could do something. I never say, "It'll never happen for me." I just run head-first into the wall and see if I end up on the ground.

You're not shy about putting your face and body everywhere, either. Tell me some of the items your face and body are on.

Oh my god! If I can get anything with my face or body on it I'll do it. I have strip 'n tilt pens...

I can't get anything done because of mine! I keep flipping it up and down waiting for the clothes to disappear!

(laughs) You're too distracted by that pen! I love 'em. I remember seeing those. When somebody gets one that don't lose it. It may get stolen but you don't just throw a pen like that to the side. When GENE SIMMONS saw my pen he called up the company because he wanted a GENE SIMMONS pen! Sometimes Gene takes a few pages from my book. You can have a lunchbox, a notepad, a cup, a refrigerator magnet, a t-shirt, a lapel pin, pussy soap that's actually molded from my pussy, paper weights that were molded from my pussy, a business card holder that was molded from my pussy and my asshole if you're really daring, wall plaques, baby t's, kerchiefs, baseball caps, gift bags, coasters, trading cards, my comic book series, bumper stickers, temporary tattoos, vibrating anal grapes, strap-on dildos, postcards, greeting cards, a model kit, there's so many bloody things! They just made an anatomically correct doll. It's not a blow-up doll, it's made of silicone. The pussy vibrates, the anus vibrates, she talks, she has a heartbeat! It just goes on and on! If you can put your face on it and market it, that's what you have to do. That's what Gene does. He puts his KISS thing on anything and everything.

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