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KISS Fan fired for KISS-Tattoo
Charly, a 42 year old KISS fan from Frankfurt got fired from the German "Big Brother" house, because he had a Tattoo with the original KISS-logo on his arm. To avoid any protests against nazi-symbols on German TV, the fan got fired from the show yesterday evening!

Here is the official statement from Big Brother (Thanks to Gerhard for translating)... "The Frankfurter candidate Charly left the "Big Brother"-village Thursday evening. Music-fan Charly has a Tattoo on his upper arm, which according to him is just a sign for his favorite band "KISS". This could be misunderstood as a symbol for the radical right scene. To avoid speculations and to make sure to distance from this, RTL II decided, that the candidate should not take part any longer in the show. Jochen Starke from RTL II: "Big Brother is family entertainment. When RTL II believes, that there could be wrong associations made in combination with this show, or that feelings from viewers could be hurt, we have the responsibility as a sender to act".

Munich TV-sender RTL 2 has learned from the jewish joke-scandal from the last "Big Brother"-shows and takes now more care: a candidate of the new show had to leave the "Big Brother"-village, because his tattoos reminds on nazi-symbols.

Cologne - Charly, 42, from Frankfurt has just moved into the village a few days ago. Yesterday evening the heavily tattooed candidate on RTL 2 had to leave the village again. The reason was a Tattoo on the upper arm of the music-fan, is what the sender said. According to the candidate it was a logo of his favorite band KISS. The sender was frightened, that this tattoo could be misundersatood as a symbol of the radical right scene. To avoid speculations and to make sure to distance from this, RTL II decided, that the candidate should not take part any longer in the show.

Obviously the sender from Munich doesn't want to take any more risks: In former "Big Brother"-shows a candidate made jokes about jewish perople and it became a scandal. RTL 2 has not shown those sequences in the daily best-of shows, but they could be seen on the Pay-TV-sender Premiere on the "Big Brother"-channel. Premiere then took personal consequences and made sure to take more control in the future.

Jochen Starke from RTL II: "Big Brother is family entertainment. When RTL II believes, that there could be wrong associations made in combination with this show, or that feelings from viewers could be hurt, we have the responsibility as a sender to act".

In fact the double S reminds of the logo of the American Rockband KISS and the Nazi-Rune of the SS, but was never thought to be a hommage to the third reich. In 1980 during the "Unmasked"-Tour of the band in Germany it came to protests and a political debate, which lead to the logo to be forbidden. The responsible record company EMI then changed the German record covers and changed the lightning bolt signs against round letters.

The new "Big Brother"-shows started early March. This time there is no end planned for the reality show. The changing candidates - 15 in total - live in a complete village in Cologne-Ossendorf with residence, car workshop and a farm with cows.

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