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Diary of a Fan in Uniform
Manuel Ramirez, I'm from Chile...well I work in the Army and at this moment I'm here... work in HAITI for 8 months, and for run, eat and work I only need my gun and my portable cd player with KISS, only KISS, so is a honour write to you my dears friend, and from Haiti I say.....


Thax for the music and in my free time i have a group of music to play music in the base....only KISS SONGS... the name of the tribute bands is " Dressed to Kill"

Hello there fellow KISS Army Soldiers!

Matt Campbell here again. Well, things have been going fairly well. We had no phone or Internet priveleges for a day or two because of an incident where a fellow soldier in my unit lost his life defending America's and the world's freedom. This is standard military procedure until next of kin is notified. On a more upbeat note, though...

Last night, 20 MAR 2005, the KISS Army (In Iraq) put on the famous war paint and our stage outfits consisting of desert pants and boots, KISS shirts, and of course the makeup. I gotta tell you, we had such a blast doing this! I was overwhelmed at the support that we received from fellow soldiers while we were doing this. We all got together in one of the two main trailers that we have here in Iraq. It was quite hectic! We had about 8 people in there, talking to us, helping out, and taking pictures. So many of the soldiers asked to come back by and have their picture taken with us. All of this positive attention, and we haven't even done the first show. So, judging by last night, it is sure to be a success here in the desert. Last night, there was almost a magic in the air while we were slapping on the war paint. This brought us closer together and also motivated us as a band. I want all of you KISS fans there in the world to know, that not only is what we do as soldiers for you and your family, but what me and the other three fine gentlemen that make up KISS Army (In Iraq) do over here is also for you, the fans. With the help of fellow soldiers, and the support of the KISS Army Worldwide, this will be a huge success. I want ot thank you ALL, and never stop rockin!

Matt Campbell

Let's not forget about our troops in that theater of operations either. I returned from over there last April and sure wish that you guy's would have done something like this back then! I'm positive that there are plenty of KISS Army soldiers in the other "Division". Anyway, glad to see that you guys are doing a morale boosting service for the KISS Army of United States Soldier's (and also the Brit's) by posting letters. By the way, any chance of KISS getting an emergency shipment of costumes and the like for that upcoming show. Those guy's desrve every chance to blow the audience away!

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