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KISSArmy In Iraq First Show Report
From: Matt Campbell
Hello KISS ARMY!!!!

Well, what can I say? I mean, we never thought it was going to happen, then all of a sudden on Friday night, BAM! There we were being announced..."ALL RIGHT IRAQ...YOU WANTED THE BEST, YOU GOT THE BEST...THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE LAND, KISS ARMY!!!

We were all very nervous, but once the opening notes of "Deuce" came out of Tommy Jackson's smoking Jackson Charvel, we knew there was no turning back. It was incredible! Our fellow soldiers didn't know what to think seeing four men in desert uniforms, KISS shirts, and makeup. Being that this was the first show for KISS Army In Iraq, we only played three songs, just to see how the crowd would react. We were expecting a few applause afterwards, but to our surprise, the troops went nuts!

After "Deuce" and before "God of Thunder" we got the crowd hyped up and tossed out the "Rock the Nation" shirts sent to us courtesy of KISS and Mike Brandvold. (Thanks guys!) That just made these soldiers want more. There were camera flashes going off left and right. We kicked into "God of Thunder", no problems, then talked to the crowd some more. It was at this point that I also introduced the band to the soldiers.

PAUL STANLEY would have been proud. I opened "Rock And Roll All Nite" by saying something like, "We all know the National Anthem, but we're gonna play the Rock N Roll National Anthem...So let's Rock and Roll all nite, and party every day!!!" L.G. "Catman" Sweatt was pounding the skins bringing us into "RnR All Nite" and the crowd sang along with us! It was fantastic. We were all on cloud nine that night. I do apologize about not being quicker to write in and let you all know about the show, but, as soon as the show was over, I had to go and clean up and go on a mission THAT NIGHT! It was a long night, I was tired, but dammit it was worth every second of it!

Finally, I want to take a minute to thank everyone involved in KISS Army In Iraq's success...

The men who got this all started, Keith Leroux and Spiro Papadatos, I love you guys. Thank you for everything! Mike Brandvold from KISS Online, you are the man! Next, I want to thank CW4 John Paul King, without you, we wouldn't have had any equipment. CPT Ricky Walters, for being my support. Thank you sir. SSG Brian Thomsen, our sound engineer...If not for him, we would have sounded even WORSE! (LOL) David McBrayer, from Ft Worth, TX. A friend and KISS fan in the truest sense. Thank you David, you are amazing. Finally, I want to thank the fans out there who supported us as a KISS tribute band and as soldiers. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! And to KISS, for giving us the motivation and the awesome music for so many years. (P.S. WE WANT ANOTHER ALBUM AND TOUR!!!) Thanks again to everyone. Stay tuned, as KISS Army In Iraq's domination of the Middle East is only beginning...Also, ladies, feel free to e-mail me (!

Peace, love, and Rock And Roll,
Matt Campbell
L.G. Sweatt
Jeff Lakins
Tommy Jackson

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