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ESP - Copenhagen, Denmark
by KISSAsylum reporter Dave, Sweden
When KISS drummer ERIC SINGER announced that he was planning a European tour with his project ESP, a lot of people raised their eyebrows… Bands like ESP are hardly known by the average guy, but to a KISS fan this kind of event is quite hot.

The band was playing in nightclubs big enough to fill up with "die hard fans". A lot of fans from the Scandinavian countries went to the gig ESP did in Copenhagen, Denmark. Most people seemed to agree on one thing... It was awesome!!! The fact that Eric and Bruce joined the stage together again was just wonderful. John Corabi also did a fantastic job and Chuck Garric... what a guy!

The set list was a mix of songs by bands that the members of ESP play with or have played with before. They also did a couple of classics…mostly KISS and Union songs were performed, but also some songs by Mötley Crüe, BRUCE KULICK, Alice Cooper, GFR etc. The KISS songs were probably the most appreciated amongst the audience. Not very surprisingly, because I think a big part of the audience were pure KISS fans. (It's cool to hear material from 'Carnival of Souls' live.) But of course… songs like 'School's Out' and 'Born to Raise Hell', fired up the audience too!

Well, to wrap it all up… I think this was a really appreciated gig, and it's always great when some of our heroes visit our part of the world. Four talented gentlemen, having a great time and giving Europe a great time! Hope to see ESP on the road again soon!

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