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Click To Enlarge Hello everyone! Happy to be home in the States, but I do miss my fans in Europe already.

My trip started with a great KISS expo in Cincinnati. The weather was bizarre, snowy rain etc, but the fans were passionate and happy to party with the KISS clan. Next day I was off to Sweden to join Eric, John and Chuck as ESP. I arrived after a long layover in Paris' Charles DeGaulle airport (7 hours - ouch!) in Stockholm, Sweden where the weather was exceptional. Funny how Ohio had the typical Sweden weather! Anyway, got to the hotel, and after freshing up, off to the Hard Rock Cafe for some interviews and meet and greets with some special fans. KISS means so much in Sweden, so I always get alot of press there. (Thank you Erik from Expressen and Dr. Rock, your support is welcome).

Next day the entire band went to do a radio interview and we were quite the comedy show... calling ESP means some nasty things as opposed to ERIC SINGER Project. Apparently you can use words not allowed on US radio in Sweden so we had some fun with that.

Click To Enlarge Next we went to check out the gear and soundcheck for the show at Mondo. Great club, and the gear was choice. Only a few hours away from the show, and we were all very excited to play. First show was long, we played almost 2 hours, and had some friends come up and jam in the encore. Tommy Denander from Sweden is a friend of mine, who has a long list of session and composing credits in rock including some work on Paul's solo disc, and Ryan Roxy, of course from Alice Cooper, came on and rocked with ESP. We hung out and did a meet and greet and felt relieved our first of 6 in row was a success.

Click To Enlarge Off to Copenhagen the next day, and a very good crowd showed up for our gig. Everyone was crazy after the show with the signing and we had a great dinner with the club owner in their kitchen. We laughed alot over the food and wine. Next day early in the morning off to Holland. As it was a holiday there, traffic to the city of Helmond was quite annoying but we kept ourselves amused as usual. We saw lots of friends from Amsterdam etc, and did alot of press as well. (Thanks Erwin and KISS podcast). For playing in the middle of nowhere, we had a great crowd.

Off to Germany for our show outside of Frankfurt. Our weather was just amazing. Warmer than Los Angeles! The hall was very cool and our sound check was quick. The show was well received and we saw fans from Poland and Slovakia.

Click To Enlarge Amazing how they drive long distances to see us play. We love that. Long meet and greet after that show... but worth it to see our fans. Next morning.. very early sadly as the bed was quite comfy (btw if you think we got more than 4 hours a sleep a night you are dreaming!), off to SPAIN. I have not been in such a long time so I was very excited. We flew into Bilboa from Frankfurt, and drove a few hours to Pamplona. Beautiful country side in Spain. We sound checked and got ready for the show, and what a passionate crowd we had there. The Spainards are VERY into rock.

Click To Enlarge We rocked very well, as tired as we all were, and felt relieved only one more to finish the tour. No rest till LA! Off to Barcelona. Amazing city, and the club was walking distance from the hotel. Sound check was great and we did tons of press for the various rock mags there in Spain. Thank you all for the questions. Last show was amazing and we felt great knowing we accomplished so much. I hadn't really played much with Eric since KISS, and John and I who have great chemistry always feels great. Add in Chuck and you have a great band. Chuck was our secret weapon. He sings and plays like a monster and what a pro player and performer. Alice Cooper is lucky to have him.

Well we sold lots of UNION DVD's, even though we only did a few UNION tunes. The ESP tour T-shirt sold out at the last show, so don't ask for those! Of course the 8 X 10 of the band was popular as well. So I would like to thank our tour managers, Nicolas and Rikk for all their help with the shows, and of course all the friends of the band who made life easier for us. You know who you are. The promoters as well, for believing in us, and most of all of our FANS! Really truly amazing the reaction and it means so much to all of us.

I don't know really what other dates ESP can commit to in the future as we all have commitments with other bands right now, but we will do it again. I hope as well in the future to get UNION some shows as well.

Keep watching my site for the news.

THANK you all again.

Take care,

PS - More great photos from my ESP European Tour 2005 will be uploaded to my Photo Album soon, so keep checking back!

NOTE: Special thanks to the following people for providing many of the great photos you see above: Erwin Zinger, Rose & Santi, Tamara, Chriss,, and Bjern Madsen.

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