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NY Expo Weekend Review
by Keith Leroux
I'm back in INDY and as promised here is a more detailed report of last weekend's NY KISS Expo. Expo attendance was really great, well over 1000 fans. There were a lot of dealers including Peter Arquette/KISS Museum, Warren from the KISS Magazine, Frank's Collectibles, Allen from Cincy and KISSshop. Over 100 tables I would guess. People selling just about everything, old and new, and some dealers selling things they should not have been selling. They learned the hard way. Police entered the event in the early afternoon and raided several dealers. From what I heard they took a few people away in police cars and confiscated all bootleg DVDs and CDs.

Our KISSAsylum/KISSshop tables were in the back corner of the room next to ERIC SINGER's table. Eric signed autographs throughout the day. He was really accessible, staying for over 6 hours. Joe Lynn Turner and our buddy Karl Cochran had tables next to Eric. Lydia Criss was also there promoting her upcoming book. KISSNation, ZO2, Richie Ranno's All-Star Band and Jaded were also on hand and all performed live later in the day. KISSAsylum's own Russ Dannacker was on hand too. Chris Kiska and Mac from the Ace camp also stopped by to catch up. Thanks to all of our Asylum friends who came by to say hello!! It was really great seeing our old friends and meeting new ones.

Leaving the expo I had an awkward moment with Wendy Moore though! She stopped me in the hall way and introduced herself and then asked why I wouldn't have her as a guest at my INDY KISS expo. I simply told her the truth. I'm friends with Ace and Ace has always been good to me. It's nothing personal with Wendy. She seems very nice but I just don't want to have any guest who is there promoting something negative. I promote KISS Expos to celebrate KISS, not to knock KISS. I'm not questioning what she has written; I just choose not to read it and certainly not help promote it at my expense. Well back to the weekend...

After dinner Eric, Russ, Rich, Philly, Rich Gagnon, Hiro and I went to the Joe Lynn Turner show at Double D's to see Karl Cochran on lead guitar!! Traveling with Mr. Singer has its perks and we were led up to a private area right above the stage to watch the show (I'm not sure the perks are worth the aggravation - wait that's Bruce - just kidding guys!). We got there just as ZO2 finished their set (Joey -you guys rock- SORRY!). About 15 minutes later, people on the floor were looking up at our area and applauding. Coming up the stairs was ACE FREHLEY! It was great to see Ace. I got a hug and hand shake from Mr. Frehley. I'm happy to report Ace looked and sounded great. What ever he's been doing while out of circulation for the last few years is working! Ace kept asking for Eric who was with Karl in the dressing room. When Eric finally came up stairs, Ace gave him a big hug and I heard that famous Ace laugh.

A few minutes later the band came on and slammed through Rainbow hits like "Stone Cold" and "Street of Dreams" as well as Joe's solo material. The band was really tight. Karl is a ferocious guitar player and Joe has one of the best rock voices ever. On the encore Joe announced that KISS drummer ERIC SINGER would be sitting in on drums and the crowd went crazy. The band played Grand Funk's "American Band" and Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water". Eric pounded the drums as usual!! It was funny seeing Ace watch Eric play live. You can tell Ace really loves Eric, it's pretty obvious.

After the show we said good-bye to Ace, Mac and Karl and drove Eric back to the hotel. Yet another great KISS weekend (we really need to a get a life, don't we?). Big thanks to Rich Ranno for another great NY KISS Expo!

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