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Dale 'Demon' Torborg
Note from KISSAsylum: - Dale and his lovely wife, Asya (former WCW diva) are expecting their first child in August.

On the road again: Sunday marked the end of Dale Torborg's month-long run with the White Sox as their temporary director of conditioning. Torborg replaced Allen Thomas, who battled his way back from a serious bout of cellulitis in his left leg.

Torborg returns to his regular job within the organization, which is serving as the Minor League strength and conditioning coordinator. He travels from team to team and hires all the strength guys for each team.

"I'm sad to see it end, but I have to get back to the Minor League guys and roaming around," Torborg said. "The guys played great while I was here, so it was a lot of fun."

The younger Torborg, known as 'Demon' by the players from his days as a professional wrestler in the WCW, was not the only Torborg in town this past weekend. His father, Jeff, served as analyst on Saturday's FOX broadcast of the crosstown battle.

It was Jeff Torborg who once managed Guillen as part of the White Sox and made him a co-captain on his team. It also was the elder Torborg who hired Guillen to be a coach with Montreal, starting his ascension to his current managerial status.

"Ozzie was a terrific leader," Jeff Torborg said. "He's also one of the smartest guys I've ever been around. He's so quick. Sometimes, he's politically incorrect, but he's very quick."

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