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Interview with Gene
From: KISS Underground Archives
The KISS Underground Archives site has posted an exclusive interview with singer/bassist GENE SIMMONS, conducted by John Jeffrey.

The following is an excerpt from the chat:

Q: What's going on in the world of KISS?

A: “What's going on is that obviously the best way for anyway to find out the latest, is to get online to Because when there's news and we're ready to talk about it, it gets posted. My site is a little different because I don't have to check with anybody, and do whatever the hell I wanna do. So there's all kinds of activity, all the time. Almost everyday. Paul's working on his solo record. I know he's very, very excited by that. And I bet it's gonna kick ass. We were going to go overseas and tour, and I think wisely decided not to do it at this time. Between Paul doing a solo record, and all kinds of other stuff being worked on at the same time, there's just not enough time. Because before we can go out on tour, there's all the set-ups, rehearsals, we gotta build a stage - it takes a lot of work. So there will be a tour at some point, but right now, Paul wants to concentrate on the solo record, and who knows, maybe he'll wanna go out and tour in back of it. Which I think would rock. I remember the last time I saw him in 1989, and it was a real treat to be able to sit in the audience and watch, if not THE best front man in the business, certainly one of the best.”

Q: That was an interesting time in KISSTORY, as that was what brought ERIC SINGER into whole circle of KISS, so to speak.

A: “And the irony is, Bob Kulick finally got a chance to play in a 'KISS' band of sorts. Because Bob Kulick originally was, at least for a popcorn fart, was being considered to be the guitarist for KISS. But he didn't make it for some reason.”

Q: The major thing that most KISS fans have been asking for is NEW KISS music. From what I've read, you seem to be pretty gung-ho about doing a record with the current lineup, where Paul seems to be more on the fence about doing another KISS album.

A: “Well, when you're in the middle of a party and somebody says, ‘Hey, let's go to a party’, it's not the same discussion if you're not at a party. Whereas if you're not at a party, and somebody says, ‘Let's go to a party’, (and then you would say) ‘great idea’. In essence what I'm saying is that right now, Paul is in the middle of writing and recording his solo record, so the idea of recording MORE music with KISS isn't as appealing. Also, we all know the market place is completely different. It's different for us, it's different for the Stones. It's different for any band that has been around for an awful long time. As we all know, the new Stones record is gonna come out, but it's not going to get the attention that it would have got like when they first came out. But it doesn't dilute the fact that it's a very important group that you wanna go see, because they're Legends. So, to be honest with you, it is less appealing to go and try to do new music because the market place is certainly different. I mean, Elton John came out a few years ago and said, ‘I'm through making new music. I'm happy to just get up on stage and play songs that I love playing’.”

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