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A new KISS Army branch has been established in Kotka, Finland, and recently did a Q&A with KISS drummer ERIC SINGER: Question: Rock The Nation DVD is now out. It clearly shows the great chemistry between you four guys live. Do you think that there still might be a chance to capture that chemistry in studio? Do you have any plans to release yet another studio album? Do you feel it might be possible?
Answer: We do have a great chemistry playing wise & off stage as well. I think this is because we all are very professional as people & take what we do seriously & with alot of pride. I would love to see a recording of some kind in the future if it is meant to be...?

Question: There's been a debate on our Forum about whether you play the drums on God Gave Rock n' Roll To You II, or ERIC CARR? I know he's on the video, but I remember Paul revealing in an interview that it's actually you on the track. How did it feel to step into ERIC CARR's shoes?
Answer: Yes, I did indeed play drums in the studio on "God gave Rock n Roll to you II". This was of course produced by Bob Ezrin ! This was his return to KISS and it was such a good chemistry that he did REVENGE as well. At the time Paul called me to record the track for the movie soundtrack since Eric was ill & I lived in L.A. I was very honored to be asked & had no idea at that time how sick Eric really was. He was a really great drummer & sadly left us way too early...

Question: PAUL STANLEY is planning to release a solo album next year. Have you heard it? What is your opinion about it?
Answer: I have heard 4 tracks only. Very good stuff & modern sounding in a very classic PAUL STANLEY way :-) I know ALL the fans are gonna dig this record. I hope Paul does some shows this year, I know I will be there!!

Question: You have been in KISS for some time now. What is your dearest memory from that time?
Answer: I have many ups & downs from KISS (and life in general ) don't we all? I would have to say I really look back on MTV Unplugged with alot of pride. It was very kool to show the world that KISS is much more than smoke & mirrors ! Also the 1st time in make-up with Paul,Ace & Gene was surreal to say the least !!! Happy New Year to all ! Thank you for being the very best fans in the entire world!


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