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Interview with Mike Japp

Asylum editor's note: Mike Japp played guitar on PAUL STANLEY's 1978 solo album, and co-wrote "Saint and Sinner" with GENE SIMMONS for KISS' Creatures Of The Night album.

Tell us a little about your roots & family.

I was born in South Wales in the UK. I moved to the States 30 years ago, and have called Los Angeles my home for many years! However, I am back in Wales playing music and visiting with my family at this time. I have two brother and two sisters, two older and two younger. Wales is a magical place and has given birth to many a great talent! It is said that Merlin the magician was a Welshman. I love Wales and if If you ever get a chance to visit you should.

Who or what inspired you to become a musician, what is your musical background?

My inspirations growing up were the Beatles (and still are) Rolling Stones, Yardbirds, Animals and such other bands like these. My total experience was Hendrix! When I saw him on the TV I was captured and hooked big time! Even now when I see old videos and films of Jimi, I see passion flowing out of him, that was for me and, still is! I have played dirty old places and breathtaking auditoriums with all kinds of different bands and still love it, no matter where I am playing.

Which guitars you are using?

I use Fender strats at this time. I used to use a Gibson 335 and a Les Paul, but I get more variation of tone from the single coil and then driving It with a quality pedal to get a more humbucker "fatter" tone for solo's and power chords, then back to a glassy tone when I switch off the pedal. It is easier for me to go that way than to try and "glass up" a Les Paul from a humbucker tone. However, I am very partial to a Gibson that has P90's in it, such as a Les Paul special. This has a "middle ground" between a Strat and a Les Paul. I used to use the P90 tone a lot a few years ago, but the strat at this time "floats my boat".

What bands are you currently listening to?

I still tend to listen to the older bands. For me they have more tone and character! Be it the song writing or the playing, I hear more substance and depth in the older bands. I think this is due to the fact that they played together because they loved to play. Also, they loaded they gear in and out of vans to and from gigs, and this shows in the way they play. They didn't have it easy until they (maybe) became more successful, but even the ones that did seem to have kept that soul and feel which comes thru only because they paid their dues. I don't tar all the newer younger bands and solo artists with the same brush , but there is a lot lacking in their song writing and performance. I think this is due to lack of "paying dues" as far as gigging and travelling in a van around the world is concerned. Tits and Arse (T+A) seems to come first, rather that the music? I guess it’s like comparing and old fine wine to a bottle of cheap fizzy soda. Yet I stress that not all newer bands and artists, are like cheap fizzy soda!

Do you remember how the idea of writing songs for PAUL STANLEY solo album (1978) first came up?

I was contacted by Paul to write, and I played him ideas I had that were in "infant stages" The ones that he found a connection with we worked on, and then finished together. We worked hard and long , and had a lot of fun in the process. We had respect for each other (you must have this and be open to listening to any and all ideas from a writing partner) that is why we were good partners at that time.

Do you remember the very first time you heard the final mix of the PAUL STANLEY solo album and what you were thinking?

When I heard the final mixes on Paul’s solo album, I really liked them. I didn't think they were too "sauced up" and the initial feeling that we had when they were written came across for sure! Paul made some good choices regarding players and engineers and oversaw the project with a keen eye!

I like a lot your blues guitars, "Ain't Quite Right" and "Take Me Away (Together As One") are my favorites songs on Paul's solo album. Do you have some tracks which were recorded for PAUL STANLEY solo album back in 1978 or any of KISS album, but never unreleased and unknown?

Thank you, Vladimir! I tend to like the bluesy side of things myself, I can’t help it really. Just a little edge of something blues side is always ok with me! Gene and I wrote a couple of ideas entitled "It's Gonna Be Alright" and "Eye Of The Storm" These can be heard "somewhere" I don’t know exactly where? But they are showing a lean to the blues side. I think you might like those?

How did you get into KISS? When you meet them for the first time?

I met Paul thru Barry Levine who was KISS' photographer at that time. Barry was given cassette tape (that's what it was back then) of some stuff I was working on by a girl named Ciri (whose was a designer at that time) and Barry played it to Paul who like it ,and then called me to do some writing. As you know Gene and I then met later and we wrote "Saint and Sinner".

After your last work with KISS, did somebody try to involved you for writing? I am wonder why Paul didn't call you to work for upcoming second solo-album?

I have no idea why Paul never contacted me to write for his second solo album? I am in the UK and he is in the States. However, if he had contacted me I am sure we would have written something very good without a doubt! I am always writing and have many new and exciting ideas hanging around, matter of fact I am recording this week with four new songs I have just completed. One I know Paul would love. If we write again… great, if not, it will not change things for me. Good luck Paul with you new album!

Please tell us about your new solo-album, what the music & songs presented here.

My solo CD is entitled "Dreamer". The song "Dreamer" is very universal in that we all dream about being something, or wanting something. That is why I wrote it... simple really! It is a collection of thirteen songs written by me. Actually, eleven by me and two others with co writers Chas Sandford and Joe Penny. The album is pretty much true to what I feel about life, and my experiences. The songs are totally relateable and the listener can put himself /herself in the frame of one of the tunes for sure. I hope you will want to get it, and listen to it!

Are you a dreamer? Do you have a lifetime dream you still wishing? Why you gave this title to your new record?

Yes I am a dreamer! We all are in one form or another. As I have said. I think if we have no dreams and goals for ourselves we would be like the "living dead" You must have something to dream about, no matter how big or small. That is what keeps us on the upward direction. Just "Keep on dreaming" and make those dreams become reality for yourself! What are your current tour plans?

I am gigging in the UK in and around Wales, three to four times every week. It is a lot of fun and I love it! I will be in Greece in the middle of the year then back to the states for a little while, and then back here in Wales UK.

Any advice for aspiring musicians and people trying to get into the business?

My advice to anyone getting into the music business is to "want to do it cause you love it" and to work hard and pay dues! To become a rock star is a great "Dream" to have. To become a rock star cause you have a passion for it and love doing it, will make the "Dream" (I think) become much, much, more real, and become your reality!

Do you have a website?

I am having a new website being constructed at the end of the month, when I have time to go over it with the guy involved in doing it!

How fans can find your new record? Is it already released?

Yes, if you the KISS fans have liked any of my work with KISS, or with any of the other people I have written/played for, you can purchase my CD "Dreamer" directly from me at

Please tell something to Russian KISS fans.

To All Russian KISS fans... Happy New Year! Buy my CD! Love to you all!

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