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Ask Gene

KISSONLINE recently caught up with GENE SIMMONS to answer some of your "ASK KISS" fan questions!

QUESTION: With the explosive popularity of the internet in recent years, what are your impressions of it? --- James Toluca, Lake Charles, LA

ANSWER (Gene): I see the internet as a lot of good and a lot of bad. Blogging is fun, but it's often mistaken for having the integrity and journalistic ethics (at least conceptually) that tv and newspapers have. You can sue a tv station and/or a newspaper for slander and falsehoods. You don't seem to have the same rights on the internet. I see blogging as a way for people, who would otherwise not have a voice, to vent. Some good. Some bad. All in all, at the end of the day, I suppose the world is slightly better off with the internet.

QUESTION: If KISS were a new band in today's current music climate, would you have broken as big as you did in the mid-seventies? --- Julian Cummings, Dover, DE

ANSWER (Gene): Hard to say. There are so many other variables. Bands live and die much faster. We've been around 32 glorious years. And, we have no plans of going away. KISS is here to stay. Like it, or not.

QUESTION: I was really touched by what you wrote about your mother in KISS and Make-up. I only wish I had a mom like yours! I'm curious if she's ever expressed an opinion concerning your character, the Demon, what with all the blood spitting and fire breathing. (I realize she must be very proud of you.) --- Jerry Tucker, Los Angeles, CA

ANSWER (Gene): Re: my Mother's opinions concerning who I am in KISS (blood spitting and all the rest): She loves her houses!!

QUESTION: What is your all-time favorite type of woman? --- Sheila Ambrose, Charleston, SC

ANSWER (Gene): My all time favorite type of woman? (I'm sure you all know the answer. All together now...) THE NEXT ONE.

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