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From: Rockpages Magazine (Greece) How are you doing, Eric?

ERIC SINGER: Great, man! How are things in Greece? I heard that it was rather cold there a week or so ago... (ed. note: the interview took place on February the 6th) It was unusually cold for Greece. So, how does it feel to be back in the Alice Cooper band?

ERIC SINGER: I was back last year. Actually, I am always leaving and then come back. It is like living in your hometown and you have to go somewhere else for business and stuff and when you return, it feels good to be back home. Alice is my home. And what about Kiss?

ERIC SINGER: You know...Kiss, drum chair is my home. When I am playing drums, it feels like home. But, now that I think about it, most of my career I have been playing with Alice. From a drummer's point of view, how different is a KISS show from an Alice Cooper show?

ERIC SINGER: Much different! With KISS, I sing a lot. I sing a lot of background vocals. With Alice, I don't sing much. When you sing and play drums is a whole lot of different approach. Alice's music is more diversified; there are different styles of music in the show. He has so many influences in his songs. KISS is a rock n roll band with more straight ahead songs. From my perspective, there are more dynamics in Alice's music, more ups and downs in the same set. What's going on with KISS right now?

ERIC SINGER: Nothing! No plans for the future?

ERIC SINGER: I don't know...Gene is busy doing TV shows and commercials and whatever else he is doing. He had turned into this Hollywood mogul. How about PAUL STANLEY, though?

ERIC SINGER: He just got married. So, there are no plans of recording new music with the current KISS line-up...

ERIC SINGER: None that I know of. The only new thing is the DVD that came out a while ago. What did you think of it? Did you like it?

ERIC SINGER: I can't give an opinion on something that I am involved with. I mean, whether I like it or not. That's for fans to decide. It doesn't matter what I think. I don't care if it sells or not. Why's that?

ERIC SINGER: When you make a product, you make it for people to buy it, not for me to buy it. But isn't this product a piece of art, too?

ERIC SINGER: But, I didn't make it. I am just a color of the panel, not the painter. I just play drums in KISS, it is not my band. It's not my decision of how the band will be presented for example. It is their band. I played in that show, I was there. But, not anything else...the product is out, the lay out is done and that had nothing to do with me. It is their decision. I know that you had listened some of Paul's solo material...

ERIC SINGER: I heard a couple of songs almost a year ago. Any comments on that one?

ERIC SINGER: I have absolutely no opinion on that. I don't know what's going on with Paul's solo record. I think it's done, but I am not sure. He is trying to find a label. The thing is that I don't know the answers to those questions, because I am not involved in this project. Which were your influences as a kid that made you decide to start playing drums?

ERIC SINGER: Probably hitting pans and pots. Did you listen to anybody?

ERIC SINGER: No, I didn't listen to anybody. I just made it all by myself! Of course, I listen to a lot of drummers. One of the great things when you were a kid back in the late 60s or early 70s was the fact that there were a lot of great drummers in those great rock bands...John Bonham, Cozy Powell, Carmine Appice, Ian Paice, Ringo, Charlie Watts...those were the foundations of the real hard rock as we know it today. That sound was basically invented in the late 60s, so I am glad that this was a part of my generation. For example, you are much younger and still appreciate that kind of music. But, it is a totally different thing to live in that specific moment. The great thing is that we listen to that kind of drumming and then follow it through the years, the 70s, the 80s etc. and see its evolution.

ERIC SINGER: Exactly. Take for instance Deep Purple...they were one of the heaviest bands of their time. Still they had all those influences in their sound, classical, jazzy, fusion and so on, that made them one of the pioneers of the rock sound along with Zeppelin and Sabbath, although Zeppelin are more blues-based. If Black Sabbath hadn't appeared, there wouldn't be a Metallica! Metallica, to me, is like a modern day version of Black Sabbath. You saw everybody your influences with your first solo c.d. that included 10 cover tunes of artists like Hendrix and Deep Purple. Do you think of releasing a second solo c.d.?

ERIC SINGER: I am not quite sure. We were talking about it...but, it depends on the schedule. Who knows? Maybe, next year... Do you remember the Alice Cooper concert in Athens back in the early 90s?

ERIC SINGER: Of course, I remember it! We stayed at this hotel, where you could see the Acropolis and it was fantastic! Especially, at night ...Al Pirelli was in the band at the time. I remember playing there, I remember the Acropolis...that's what everybody remembers from a visit in Greece! Would you like to give a short comment on the following people?

ERIC SINGER: OK Alice Cooper

ERIC SINGER: Never ending energy! PAUL STANLEY

ERIC SINGER: Creative and complicated. GENE SIMMONS


ERIC SINGER: Crazy and still trying to find my way.

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