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From: Bradenton Herald

The other celebrities will likely run for cover. Typically, the stars aren't overly excited about facing a crowd of frenzied fans. And there will be plenty of places for them to hide at the Sarasota Film Festival's Opening Night Gala, which takes place tonight at the sprawling John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art.

However, there should be one exception. As planned, GENE SIMMONS will stomp through the crowd while conspicuously tailed by a camera crew, his own camera crew.

Devotees of the shock rock group KISS will likely beg the fire breathing and blood spitting musician for an autograph. While the remainder of the crowd will be busy asking each other: "What the heck is GENE SIMMONS doing here?"

The guest of honor at tonight's swanky shindig is Chevy Chase. Which makes sense since he's the star of the Opening Night film, "Funny Money." Chase's co-stars, Penelope Ann Miller and Chris McDonald, are also scheduled to appear.

And then there will be veteran rocker Simmons, who might be overheard blurting out pearls of wisdom such as:

"The reason you do TV shows is you get paid a lot of money."

Which is what he told this reporter when he called last week.

Why is he coming to Sarasota?

Because Simmons is shooting a new reality show for A&E titled "Family Jewels." And the producer of "Family Jewels" is Leslie Grief. And Grief is the director of "Funny Money." And, heck, who wouldn't want to meet Simmons and appear on his new TV show, eh?

Well, here's what could happen if the situation arises.

Let's say you're downing some bubbly, munching on an unpronounceable hors d'oeuvre and here comes Simmons, followed by a blaze of camera lights.

For starters, ask him about his workload. The response will be something like: "I can't wait to get up every day and do this seven days a week . . . When you enjoy what you're doing it's not work . . . I work seven days a week and I love it."

At least that's what he told The Herald - in an interview that he conducted from his home on speaker phone so his TV crew could tape the incident for possible use on the new show.

Next, we suggest asking Simmons what his longtime girlfriend Shannon Tweed and two young daughters think of daddy working "seven days a week."

He should get real excited about this one. Except a response such as: "The days of my mom wiping my (butt) are long gone . . . Not my kids, not Shannon, no one is going to guilt me for working . . . It's time for men all over the world to stop wimping out."

Tell Simmons he's a great bass player and he'll probably laugh. His musical abilities are the one thing the man is humble about.

"I never claimed to be a musician," he said. "On stage, I'm an entertainer."

And if you ask Simmons if he cares what others think of him expect another zinger: "How people perceive me doesn't matter, I'm too rich to care."

What will he say if you ask him about his famous, over-sized tongue?

We have no idea. We didn't ask.

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