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Sideshow Exclusive Edition Figures

Prototype still in development - final product may vary

Each Sideshow Exclusive version of the KISS Premium Format figures includes an additional base, so that you can choose the 'stage' for the band's performance. The exclusive base features artwork on the top surface based upon the stage make-up of the band member.

Sideshow is proud to offer KISS in the Premium Format line. Each band member stands a full 20 inches tall, and is dressed in a miniature reproduction of the Destroyer era costumes. A variety of materials have been used to recreate each band member's signature look, including high quality polystone, real fabric, sequins, rhinestones, and metal. These KISS figures will be the centerpiece of any KISS collection, the largest and most accurate reproductions ever created. No other KISS collectible has captured the personality, attitude, and menace of the band in the way that Premium Format does.

KISS is regarded as one of the most influential rock and roll bands of all-time. Their career milestones are staggering. KISS holds honors as one of America's top gold record champions, recording 36 albums over 32 years selling over 75 million albums worldwide. Over thirty years of record-breaking tours around the globe include high-profile appearances at Super Bowl XXXIII and the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. The KISS legacy continues to grow, generation after generation, transcending age, race and creed. The unparalleled devotion and loyalty of the KISS Army to the "Hottest Band in the World" is a striking testament to the band's unbreakable bond with its fans.

The Demon is the band's fire breathing, tongue waggling, blood drooling stage stealing front man. The Man of a 1,000 Faces, the Demon co-founded KISS along with the Starchild. He would do whatever it took to keep the audience's eyes onstage. He exhibited his savvy and humor with songs that brought balance to KISS's material. Casual fans and KISS army alike easily recognize songs like "Deuce," "Calling Dr. Love," and "Plaster Caster". The Demon has always been the most photographed and infamous member of KISS, and he shows no interest in giving up the spotlight.

Co-founder of the band and onstage ringleader, the Starchild was very influential in crafting the band's mega success. The band relies heavily on his recipe for catchy hooks and melodies The Starchild persona is that of a Don Juan-esque lover, combining effeminate traits with elements of extreme masculinity, rather than mere androgeny. Although Paul's voice is generally very soft and eloquent during normal conversation, he uses a specific "stage voice" which is a mix of quasi-African-American urban patois, faux drag-queen bluster, and yodeling preacher spiel, much like the Demon adopts an animalistic growl on stage.

Bad-ass rock n' roller or passive jazz and pop symbol? Both? The Catman first joined the band in 1972 as the drummer for their previous incarnation, Wicked Lester. He answered an ad placed in a local paper, which read "Drummer willing to do anything to make it." During his KISS career, the Catman was lead vocalist on several notable songs, including "Black Diamond" and their breakthrough hit "Beth," lending his distinctive rasp to some of the band's best most memorable songs.

The Spaceman joined KISS in 1973 as lead guitarist, and brought swagger and smoking guitar effects to the stage. He had a deep-rooted fascination with science fiction and space travel, and inhabited the 'space-ace' character with great ease. He wrote many of the KISS classics, including "Cold Gin" and "Strange Ways." It wasn't until the hit song "Shock Me" from the "Love Gun" album that the Spaceman let loose his vocals as lead. The Spaceman was the quiet menace that kept the show rocking and rolling.

Artist(s): Sculpted by Pablo Viggiano

Fabrication in association with Gidget Earle.

These items are now available to pre-order direct from priced $249.99 each.

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