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PAUL STANLEY Interview Part Two
From: KISSOnline

KOL: There are fans who want to decide which lineup you should use in KISS. Some even get angry that their opinions seem to be ignored. How do you respond to those people?

PAUL: I understand what is behind their hopes but they're living in a fantasy. Whatever someone thinks regrouping any particular lineup would achieve is wishful thinking. It's a fantasy, for example, for anyone to believe that if the original lineup got together, you'd have 1976 again or even 1996 for that matter. Time has passed and for a lot of reasons the people who made that magic have moved on. Our challenge is to always keep the integrity of the band and to remember what the band has always stood for through all the changes and circumstances that had to be dealt with. To put it bluntly, we started this band to be the masters of our own destiny and we will decide in every aspect, what we think is right for KISS. Have you ever been to a basketball game and seen people in the stands yelling directions to the coach and players? Guess what...The team knows their job and aren't polling the fans to vote on what they should do next. For us, a fan always has the choice to be a part of the KISS ARMY or to hand in their card. I respect it either way. And either way, I'm very thankful and deeply appreciative for the time we share.

KOL: So what keeps you motivated to carry on with KISS?

PAUL: I continue on because I love doing this. I'm a fan. I'm in a lucky position, not only am I in the band but I am a fan and I do this because I get a rise out of seeing KISS. You know when I look around and I see the guys on the stage or I hear those songs, there's not a lot that can compare to that. KISS has not only been a big part of my life as a member, I'm a huge fan too.

KOL: You mentioned earlier that you had recently spoken to Ace.

PAUL: I always look forward to catching up with him. We can be on the phone an hour at a time. I like Ace more now than ever. He's a really good guy and I'm very proud of him for his sobriety and his taking control and responsibility for his life. We both look forward to getting together. What we have lived through and accomplished together has made a bond between us that has always remained unbreakable. Of course, with KISS doing VH1's new Rock Honors, both Ace and Peter were invited. They belong there. I'm very proud of what we did and accomplished together. If a couple have a child and then split up, the magic they had between them may be gone but the joint pride in what they created is still there. Look what we did together! That's where I'm at. If anybody else is bitter, that's something they need to work out.

KOL: What do you think about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

PAUL: The beauty of America is that you can basically start any kind of private club you want to. This one happens to be called the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It's a very impressive name for a club but it's an illusion. It's the creation of a group of industry people and critics who decide who they deem as qualified to be in their little admiration society. It's their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but it's not the people's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Have you ever voted? I know I haven't. That's why the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, besides having people who very much belong in there, have an abundance of people who most people will scratch their head and not even have a clue who they are. I don't have anything against anybody who's been inducted, but more than a couple of them are a joke. A band or musician's impact is measured by how they change and influence society and other musicians. That and how many albums and concert tickets they sell should be what gets them in to the Hall of Fame. As far as I'm concerned it's a private club with a misleading name. It's a sham.

KOL: So are you honored to be one of the first new inductees in VH1's Rock Honors?

PAUL: Absolutely. VH1 Honors is being done for all the right reasons and as a reaction to everything that makes the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame so irrelevant. Regardless of whether KISS is in it, there are loads of bands who should have been inducted already and loads who already have who mean nothing in the scheme of things. What QUEEN has created is indisputable and Paul Rogers is one of my all time favorite singers. The whole point of view of Rock Honors is it really celebrates rock and roll. From the honorees to the guest performers and the all stars that will be a part of the show, it really feels like rock and roll. And that's what it's all about. These awards are of the people, by the people and for the people.

KOL: Are you excited about going back to Japan and playing again?

PAUL: Totally, going to Japan is awesome. I was on the phone last night with Eric and I'm really looking forward to rehearsals and looking forward to getting back up there and playing again. I'm stoked and ready.

KOL: Is it possible the KISS only shows in Japan will be different from the Festival shows?

PAUL: I'm happy that we have the flexibility to see what we feel like doing. When I think about some of the smaller shows, I tend to think we have a little more freedom to push the envelope a little. So we can play some songs that we don't usually play. That's certainly possible.

KOL: Are you surprised by the number of emails from fans telling you they are traveling all the way to Japan for a few shows?

PAUL: You know, I understand it because I am also a fan. Hell, I'm going too! It's an expensive one to go all the way to Japan and I don't take that lightly. We never step out on stage not having the intention of living up to everyone's expectations. That being said, somebody's always going to want to hear a song they didn't hear or because they came last night want to see a different show. But that doesn't apply to the masses. The masses don't come to show after show after show and to change the show nightly for the twenty people who travel is unrealistic. But I know everyone's going to have an awesome time.

KOL: We've heard from many fans in the Midwest who were disappointed that you canceled your appearances there to play Japan. Will you make it back to the Midwest?

PAUL: Our plan is to tour. When is the only question. LIVE NATION which is Clear Channel now, with a name change, wanted to schedule and promote a KISS tour in the US this summer. There are enough reasons that it did not seem to make sense right now. So we'll wait on it but we'll be back. As much as we love and were looking forward to playing the Midwest, the magnitude of the shows and the idea of going back to Japan is something we have to take advantage of, because it's a time related, seasonal event. My apologies to all.

KOL: Is the CLICK FIVE playing the Japan festivals by coincidence?

PAUL: Yes by coincidence. It was very funny because one of my best friends manages the CLICK FIVE and he called me up and said we're going to be in Japan around the same time you guys are, wouldn't it be funny if we're playing with you and as things work out, they are. It's a very interesting bill. I certainly would not complain about the Pussy Cat Dolls, I'm very happy to have them there. Audioslave, those guys are great. Chris is an amazing singer and they're a terrific band. It will be cool to see Alice In Chains back in action. We did Camp Pendleton with Godsmack. It's a very diverse bill, and it will certainly rock and make for a lack of monotony!

KOL: Some people have said that in some past interviews, your answers were sometimes vague or full of analogies. You're pretty direct today. Any comment?

PAUL: I always try to be clear in my answers. What makes some people think they're vague sometimes is that they're not getting the answer they want. When I use analogies it's because making a comparison to something else can make a point easier for some to get. Maybe I am a little more blunt. All I can say this time is, if you want the truth, make sure you can handle it.

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