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The IRL's KISS method
Tips and tidbits from Hetrick Communications

We've all heard of the "K.I.S.S." philosophy - "Keep it simple, stupid." Now the Indy Racing League has introduced its own "KISS" method ... with a remarkably similar meaning.

Anyone who watched the build-up to the Indianapolis 500 should know that the IRL has hired tongue-wagging rock 'n' roll front man GENE SIMMONS to promote the league.

If you're not well-versed in the world of face-painting rock stars, Simmons co-founded the rock band KISS. Three decades later, it remains one of the world's top-grossing concert bands.

Why? Some would credit the band's music; others (perhaps many more) would say the success is due to the band's strong image and consistent marketing.

Simmons' race-weekend interviews suggest that he recognizes the value of image and consistency, and plans to use those forces to promote the IRL. You might call it the new KISS approach.

Keep the message in the forefront. Everywhere he went, Simmons repeated the same messages: The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is the greatest race course in the world ("You're standing on hallowed ground, baby," Simmons said); the drivers are heroes ("They really are rock stars," he said, "If they weren't driving Indy Cars, they'd be onstage trying to steal your girlfriend."); and Indy Car racing is for everyone ("The face of Indy is the people of the world," he said). Simmons knows: Repeat the message over and over. Just when you're getting sick of it, people are starting to hear it.

Image matters. While NASCAR drivers enjoy an image as friendly, fun-loving good ol' boys, Indy Car drivers live with an image as ... well, actually, they live with no image at all. Simmons clearly wants to change that, as he talked them up as "rock stars" and "knights in shining armor." Simmons knows that audiences connect with people, not machines. Put a human face on whatever you're "selling," and people will respond.

Stir discussion. While we don't subscribe to Simmons' view that any news - good or bad - is good PR, we do recognize the value of stirring debate. And Simmons certainly did that with his hyperbole and outrageousness. For example, he suggested that he wanted to change the name of the racing league from IRL to simply "Indy" because, as he put it, "IRL" sounds like a corporation or sexually transmitted disease. It's not the approach we might have taken, but it did achieve his objective: It got attention.

Simplicity works. Simmons seems to have recognized that, with all of these fresh messages and images to project, he needed a single phrase to sum up everything. That's why you'll be hearing the phrase "I am Indy" this summer. Will it work? Time will tell, but it certainly is memorable and focused - more than can be said for most organizations' messages.

Well said.

"You get out in front. You stay out in front." - A.J. Foyt

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