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Interview With Gene Part II
From: KISSOnline

KOL: With so many band member changes over KISS' career, why do you think both you and Paul have always stuck it out and remained in the band?

GENE: Quite honestly, Paul and I don't always agree on musical changes, or choice of songs, but intrinsically and at the heart of it, Paul is simply the brother I never had. I feel closer to Paul, than anyone I know. I have almost no friends. On purpose. I prefer acquaintances. I don't expect anything from anyone and I don't want anyone coming to me with their problems. Everyone is a grown up. But, I digress. Paul and I live very close to each other and we don't see each other often. But, at the end, he knows I will always be in his corner, simply because I respect him.

KOL: TOMMY THAYER has been with KISS in one way or another for many years now, how do you view his many years with the band?

GENE: TOMMY THAYER has been a thorough professional from day one. He has: brought us our coffee, helped me put together the KISSTORY books, helped me put together the KISS CONVENTIONS, has been our road manager, co-wrote songs with us, helped Ace relearn his solos, taught Peter his drum arrangements and has literally done anything that was asked of him without ever complaining. I have to say it's an absolute pleasure to share the stage with Tommy. I hear the solos Ace created, played spot on. With feeling. Tommy is great.

KOL: Why did you bring PETER CRISS back for the Symphony show and Aerosmith Tour after replacing him with ERIC SINGER in 2001?

GENE: The recurring Peter issues were always, in my mind, about Peter. We love him and it's never been easy. Not from day one. Peter came back into the band in the Reunion Tour and unfortunately eventually either left or was asked to leave. He was asked to come to Australia with us and he refused unless we changed the deal we had all agreed to. This happened often. We went to Australia with Ace and without Peter. It was a huge success. Then Ace went and Peter came back in. But that didn't last long. My personal opinion is that Peter is happier now, outside of KISS. And, I wouldn't have it any other way. He deserves to be happy.

KOL: Which KISS album are you most proud of and which KISS album are you the least proud of? Why?

GENE: I suppose the album I liked least is UNMASKED. There were a few tunes I didn't mind, but the band by that time had lost its way. Peter didn't play on almost the entire album. He left or was asked to leave (take your pick) for health reasons and Anton Fig secretly played drums in his place. And I was as guilty as anyone. I was the one who kept insisting on the cover design concept and the title. In retrospect, a big mistake.

My fave album is either Creatures of the Night, Revenge or Destroyer...for obvious reasons. Decent tunes and good playing. Interestingly enough, three albums from three different decades of our history (70's, 80's and 90's), with different lineups.

KOL: Your solo album was a mixed bag and many fans were disappointed because they know how great you can be. What does it take to get GENE SIMMONS to be the brilliant Demon like on Creatures of the Night and Revenge?

GENE: Asshole, my solo album was not made for the fans who wanted Creatures and Revenge. It was made for me. I knew the tunes would turn off lots of fans. Tough. It's my turn. I have, literally hundreds of songs lying around that KISS can never record and I don't intend on leaving them on the shelf. They will all come out. Soon.

KOL: When people like Santana rip KISS, why do you always take the middle ground and make nice? Why don't you stand up and defend KISS and the KISS Army like millions of us do every day?

GENE: I have no animosity towards any other group that slams KISS. It simply may not be their cup of tea. Santana and everyone else can say what they like. KISS is impenetrable. And, in the great tradition of put your money where your mouth is, Carlos is welcome to share the stage with us any time. We would be happy to show him how the big boys do it.

KOL: Gene, you've done it all but if you could do anything one thing differently in your KISS career, what would it be?

GENE: If I could have done it differently, I would have stopped trying to figure out how to be "pretty" during the 80's and just stick to being one, hairy stinky animal...which is what I am. That's what I do and that's what I sell.

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