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Lights, Cameras, Coffee
From: Ry / Aztec Design & FX

It's the day after the KISS Coffeehouses's grand opening and I'm just exhausted...

So much happened yesterday it's difficult to pick a starting point. So, Let's just start here.

Fans started forming the wait line around 6:00 AM Tuesday morning. Many came prepared with Chairs, snacks and sunscreen while others came 'as-is' and intended to grunt it out through the sun, heat and rain. It's important to note this was a HUGE line and many waited for as long as 12 hours to get in...'I just didn't want to miss my chance' said one fan, ' You just don't get to meet Gene and Paul every day....'

While hundreds waited in line the Coffeehouse did keep it's doors open for regular traffic up till about 3:30 PM. Fans purchased shirts, limited edition pins, snacks and of course coffee while they could. The Coffee house was then closed and the windows were blacked out shortly after 4:00 PM to prepare for the press and the arrival of Gene and Paul.

Inside, the associated Press and numerous camera teams set up for various TV spots including VH1, MTV, Extra, Inside Edition, etc. As if this wasn't enough, the Christine 16 girls were getting a great deal of attention as Camera crews and international press snapped pictures of their make-up being applied by members of the Coffee house mgt. and a couple of friends.

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After the Associated press exited, then came local press, shortly followed by the first of the VIP members. Every time one of the front doors were open to let a few people in and out the crowd would surge forward...remember, the windows are still blacked out and people are getting more and more curious as anticipation mounts. Most people have no idea what is happening on the inside.

The KOL winners were the next people in and Gene and Paul posed for photos, signed autographs and everyone had a few moments to chat. This took place with very few people inside the Coffeehouse since the better part of the staff and non-essential people were still outside due to the need for silence during the before mentioned, Associated press taping. The mood was relaxed and Gene and Paul were cracking Jokes and having a good time.

This brings us to the VIPs who had a moment to come in, and say hello to Gene and Paul. The VIPs were brought in through the back door to avoid confusion in the front of the building. Crowds had reached an estimated 5000 at this point!

Grand opening time. PAUL STANLEY addressed the crowd on the outside PA. " People, this is PAUL STANLEY, can ya hear me?!" This was of course met with a deafening roar and the black vinyl was ripped away from the windows.


Fans surged forward and pressed against every inch of glass on the building. I thought for a second the windows were going to blow-out. I'm not sure if anyone anticipated this many people. I mean, everyone knew the crowd would be large but this was insane. It looked like a human fishbowl to everyone who was looking out.

Staff and security quickly set-up for the meet-and-greet for and the fans who waited so patiently all day. Fans had been informed on line and by staff that Gene and Paul would NOT be signing autographs due to the large crowd and desire to greet everyone but after learning of how many people were stuck in the rain and seeing the size of the crowd, Gene and Paul changed the plan and said they would be staying longer and signing one item for every person through the door. This took hours and the heat inside the Coffeehouse was intense for everyone. The doors were open and Gene and Paul were behind the counter Insisting, they wanted to say hello to as many fans as possible.

KISS ON LINE was also on hand and greeted each fan as they exited with a special, Thank You card and grand opening guitar pick to celebrate the occasion. (see pics)

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Yesterdays grand opening was a fantastic experience for everyone involved and fans are still talking about it today. In fact, many haven't left. I stopped by the KCH today and spoke with fans who were hoping to pick-up souvenirs before heading out of town.

The Coffeehouse was doing a great deal of business while we were there around 2:00 PM today and regular tourist traffic is sure to keep the Coffee house slammed throughout the season.

Special events are already being planned around the Coffeehouse and we'll share more about soon.

There are so many people to thank for being so good to us. A special thanks goes out to Brian, Skip, Jim and Deb for everything!

You've done an amazing job. Everyone understands how much work you've done to make this possible for the fans. Best to all of you in everything you do.

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