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Hello everyone! I hope your summer has been cool and not as terribly hot as in Los Angeles... actually everywhere I have traveled has been too warm. Well, stay out of the heat, and turn up some music from your fave bands and don't leave the pets or kids in the car!

GFR has been keeping me busy as usual as it is the season for the band to get out touring every week. This summer we have had great shows in Detroit, Denver, Traverse City which was the Cherry Festival and was so picture perfect. Played a new ESP Snapper guitar I got to replace the one that was "lost". We went to Fresno and it was Hotter Than Hell, and outside San Francisco the Marin County Fair was actually comfy.

The show outside of Hartford was nice, as it rained there the week before so we seem to bring some good weather. This past weekend all hell broke loose as in "Thunder and Lightening" in St Louis and that city didn't need any more problems. A week earlier they got hit with terrible storms and the city was in darkness. We played under the famous Arch and I brought my new (1981) Gibson Explorer to jam with the band. Everyone loved it. As you KISS fans know, the guitar on the cover of ALIVE III is an ESP Explorer and that stays locked away, and this Gibson is very similar.

Hung out in Vegas for a few extra days before our show at the Station Casino, as United Airlines sadly had a plane to fix, and by it took to get it flying, we could not make it to Cadott, WI, the big show we were so looking forward to. My apologies to the fans that were hoping to catch us there. Next year we will make it for sure. So we were in Fresno at the airport for 9 hours!!! Off to Vegas like a bunch of tired wounded animals, but after a nap got to go to dinner with a friend of mine who owns a great guitar store and is a player as well. The Mandalay Bay has a great Italian place that was perfect. Too bad Vegas had the heat wave California was having and it was like 115 everyday! Of course got in trouble at my friends store, bought a nice Gibson Reissue Les Paul 58, that will undoubtedly wind up on my new CD.

But the highlight of the Vegas trip was not only the good food, friends and guitars, but the new Beatles Cirque De Soleil show LOVE, that Tim Cashion my keyboard player in GFR and I went to. It was so amazing... the Mirage went all out building a state of the art theatre to enjoy it, and it sounded perfect. We got there early and did some searching around in the gift shop (couldn't resist the Yellow Submarine note book and BEATLE bag that is so perfect for pedals etc) and when we were escorted in the music playing was the BEATLES but without vocals... sounded so cool that way.

In this show, the real Beatles music is presented but sometimes mixed and edited and mashed up in various amazing ways. George Martin and his son, outdid themselves, and I kept thinking about how proud Paul and Ringo were to be a show that celebrated the best band in the world in such a multimedia way. Of course the performers entertained but the combination of the sounds, lights and message of the BEATLES with such great coordination and feeling just made me FREAK! GO see it!! I had the best seats as I was hooked up for tickets, (yes I paid!) but there is NO bad seat in the house for sure. Highly recommended and check out all the pictures and the website about this show. Tim and I saw Ice T, and Michael McDonald attending the late show as we hung around just feeling so high from the event.

More cool GFR shows coming, and I hope to see you all out there on the road. I am still working on the new Kulick music and I have some news coming about some music from the past... way in the past that I want to share with you all soon. (like from 1974!)

ESP Live In Tokyo is being mixed now, and it will rock you all for sure! ESP DVD Live In Australia is being given its final touches as well... so lots of new stuff from me and Mr Singer and Co. coming this fall. Speaking of DVD's, the UNION DVD is ready to be released in Tower and other outlets starting August 8th, so look for it and tell me if you find it.

Also my sincere sympathy goes out to Eric as his Dad passed away a week ago. He was quite a talented musician and he lived till he was 96. What a full life he had, and it has been an honor to work with his son. So be kind to your parents if you still have them.

Be safe and check the site from time to time.

As Eric likes to say...
Peace out


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