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Review: GENE SIMMONS Family Jewels

Following the success of shows like "The Osbournes" and "Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica," every singer looking to hawk their new CD or get a little extra press seems to have signed on to do a reality series. And for the most part, they've been total wastes of time.

As a kid growing up in the Midwest in the 1970's, I certainly spent a lot of time listening to KISS albums. And while I've always admired the business abilities of GENE SIMMONS, the thought of watching a show about his family life didn't excite me. In fact, I nearly had to be tied to a chair to watch the initial episode of "GENE SIMMONS Family Jewels."

Boy, was I an idiot.

Like the best reality shows, "Family Jewels" has less to do with Simmons career than his family life. And surprisingly, it's a pretty darn funny life to watch unfold.

Simmons has been with former Playboy model Shannon Tweed for 23 years, and they have two kids: 13-year-old Sophie and 17-year-old Nick. Their life doesn't seem all that weird, given the fact that the head of the household is GENE SIMMONS.

But what makes the show really work is the fact that for all of his success and ego, he's just another Dad, making dorky comments to his kids and embarrassing them at nearly every opportunity.

The first episode focuses on his relationship with Nick, who leads a band and has some dream of becoming a professional musician. Lean, lanky and handsome, he certainly has the rock star look, but unfortunately for him, he also has the rock star dad.

Gene wants to do everything for him and spends much of his excess energy focusing on his son's career like some deranged rock-and-roll stage dad. Without being asked, he picks a name for his son's band, trademarks it, and creates a logo. Yes, you can see the problems coming from a mile away.

There are a number of really funny moments in the pilot, but there are two that stand out.

The first involves another one of Gene's schemes to boost his son's rock-and-roll career. He books the band a gig in Hollywood without telling them, then hires a plane to fly a banner around L.A., promoting the show. He drags his son out into the front yard to show off his handiwork, and seems confused that no one else seems to share in his excitement.

The second highlight involves a segment in which Gene and Nick go to Melrose to buy Nick some clothes. Everything seems to be going reasonably well into Gene looks at a t-shirt at some trendy vintage clothing store, and spies a KISS shirt clearance priced at $2.00.

Now while I really enjoyed the first episode, I'm also realistic about how these shows are put together. Simmons is a smart guy, and I'm sure he's wise enough to craft the show to be entertaining without sharing anything too embarrassing with the viewers.

But with that caveat, it's easy for me to recommend watching "GENE SIMMONS Family Jewels." It's easily one of the most entertaining shows of the summer, and I never would have expected that from a guy best known for his enormous tongue.

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