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Reality Series Spoils GENE SIMMONS' Macho Image
From: Boston Herald

Another rock idol falls.

Nothing obliterates a legend’s image faster than the sight of him scooping out the cat’s litter box.

In the tradition of OZZY OSBOURNE, Hulk Hogan and the Reverend Run, KISS frontman GENE SIMMONS welcomes cameras into his home for GENE SIMMONS' Family Jewels (tonight at 10 PM on A&E; an additional episode follows).

"Marriage is an institution. You also have to be committed to it. If that doesn’t sound like a nuthouse, I don’t know what does," he says in the opener, describing his 23-year relationship with Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed, the mother of his children, Nick, 17, and Sophie, 13.

To Simmons’ dismay, son Nick deadpans, "It’s good being a bastard."

In the opener, Simmons decides to throw a surprise party for Tweed. When she gets wind of it, she turns it into a faux ambush wedding to scare him.

Tweed may not be able to secure a wedding band, but she has Simmons wrapped around her finger. While there’s plenty of footage of Simmons out on the town in the alpha-male rock-god role he so cherishes, his home life could be called "Mensch Knows Best."

Given the success of KISS and the splendor of Simmons’ opulent mansion, why would Simmons - who also serves as a producer - agree to do a reality show? Perhaps to give his son a platform for a music career, which he pushes relentlessly in the second episode. "Rock stars take limos," he tells Nick, encouraging him to follow in his footsteps.

Over Nick’s objections, his father books a gig for Nick’s band and hypes his appearance at a music convention, has T-shirts printed and even hires a plane to fly a banner announcing the gig.

"Dad could sell whores in a vagina storm," Nick tells the camera.

Some of the setups seem straight out of an ABC sitcom. In the third episode, trapped at a weight-loss spa, Simmons bribes an employee to smuggle in junk food, and Tweed catches him.

Given Simmons’ reservations about settling down with one woman, Family Jewels skirts the question of whether he and Tweed have an open relationship.

But one judge of any union is how well the children turn out. Left alone for a few days with a dubious babysitter, the kids’ idea of mischief involves a whipped-cream fight. Nick and Sophie affectionately needle their parents and appear to be intelligent, stable, unspoiled teenagers.

On that score, the rock star can take a bow for sharing his greatest hits.

GENE SIMMONS' Family Jewels series premiered last night at 10 PM on A&E.

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