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From: KISSOnline

QUESTION: Tommy, I'm a big fan of yours. I've seen you play in concert three times now with my dad. I am planning on taking up guitar when school starts and was wondering if you can give me any tips on choosing my first guitar? What should I be looking for when deciding on one? --- Mike Jones, Wabash, Indiana

ANSWER (TOMMY): Make sure you buy one of PAUL STANLEY's new Washburn models... I'd say that most of the guitars I've seen on the market are good. Depending on the price range you're looking at - economical, mid-range or high-range/professional, there are good products in all ranges. Find a guitar that feels comfortable to you, because there are no rules. I personally prefer thinner necks, some people like fatter wider necks, it just depends on what feels good. Same with the sound of a guitar, it's all subjective, it just depends on what kind of sound you like. Obviously, the more accomplished you are on guitar, the better it will sound too.

QUESTION: Hi Tommy, I went to the Friday show at Chumash. Great show - you really rocked! I can't say enough about that venue, it was so cool. It was small but with a big stage. What did you think about playing their in such an intimate atmosphere with the fans? --- Amanda Pyle, San Diego, CA

ANSWER (TOMMY): We liked it. It was small and intimate, yet the stage itself was spacious enough to move around a bit. Those kind of shows are fun because we get a chance to spread our wings and maybe play a few more songs than we usually play. The fans were rowdy and the place was electric, everyone should have the opportunity to experience one of these special KISS shows.

QUESTION: Hi Tommy, How are you? I hope KISS tours the US soon, I've been getting so excited looking at all the great photos of the Japan shows on KOL. Are there any plans in the works right now? --- Jim Paulson, Greenbay, WI

ANSWER (TOMMY): Hi, I doing good, thanks. I can't say anything about upcoming tours yet.

QUESTION: Tommy, I know you do a lot of work behind the scenes with KISS. Are you working on anything KISS related right now or just enjoying being a newly wed? Take Care. ---Denise Edwards Louisville, KY

ANSWER (TOMMY): Thanks, I've been helping out with a fabulous new KISS DVD coming out this fall.

QUESTION: Hello Tommy!! I was so excited to hear that KISS did so many cool and exciting songs in Japan and California especially "Kissin' Time" How does the band decide to something like that, is it a group decision or does someone just make a suggestion? What songs do you enjoy playing the most? --- Timothy Breeding Abilene, TX

ANSWER (TOMMY): Actually, "KISSin' Time" was something I suggested playing, Eric loved the idea, and Gene and Paul looked at us like we were crazy. I like playing all KISS songs, they're all great.

QUESTION: Tommy, I read that you really enjoyed when KISS co-headlined with Aerosmith. Are there others bands that you would like to see KISS tour with? --- Joshua Matthews Toronto, Ontario

ANSWER (TOMMY): On any KISS tour, when you have high-caliber bands on the bill, it makes for an unbeatable tour.

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