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Ask KISS - Gene
From: KISSOnline

QUESTION: Hi Gene, KISSOLOGY is just fantastic and I can't wait for the next volumes. Please tell me that you will not forget about the 80's. I know some fans don't really care for the non makeup years but that was my KISS. I was a teenage in the 80's and went to dozens of shows. Thanks. --- Bill Getchall, San Diego, CA

ANSWER (Gene): There is a lot of material few people have seen and, yes -- we plan on releasing all of it. Give us time. And, it WILL include stuff from the 80's.

QUESTION: Gene, A friend of mine works at a distribution company that handles comic books. He tells me there is a new KISS comic book coming fairly soon. Is he leveling with me? Can you say anything yet? --- Rob Taylor, Tampa, FL

ANSWER (Gene): There is going to be very big COMIC BOOK news coming within a month. Kindly bare with us until we're ready to announce the story.

QUESTION: Hi Gene, Did you get a chance to see Paul's solo tour and if so what did you think of his performance. Is there any chance you would do a solo tour or even just one solo show? I would love to hear "Hate" and some other heavy rare songs live! --- Jac Olsen, Oslo, Norway

ANSWER (Gene): I flew into Atlanta to see Paul's first show and..what can I say? Who else can sing, write, play and perform like that. For my money, he's got the best singing voice out there. And I went to see Paul play again in LA, with Bruce and Tommy.

As for a GENE SIMMONS solo tour: Hey, you guys out there are familiar with my way of doing things. I just won't do something if I don't feel it. What might appeal to me is ...going to Nashville, sticking on a cowboy hat, putting on rhinestones and singing 1st generation country songs...

KISS has been around for over 30 years...everyone in the band, and out of the band, deserves to do whatever they want to do -- even if all of you don't get it. Sometimes, you just gotta do stuff for yourself.

No plans for solo tour -- though I have no problem going out on a lecture tour -- you know how I love the sound of my own voice...

QUESTION: Mr. Simmons, I'll get right to the point - when will KISS tour again?? Will you ever come back to Europe? I am having KISS withdrawals! --- Jay Mitchell, London, England

ANSWER (Gene): Sure we'll tour. But no one knows right now, exactly when that will be.

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