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Myrtle Beach/KISS Expo 2007

This past weekend, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina played host to KISS fans once again as they opened up their doors for their first KISS Expo. Club Boca, nicely located within Broadway at The Beach, played host to the event. They graciously opened their doors on Friday evening for a VIP pre-expo party to those that had traveled from numerous states and driven several hundred miles just to be there.

The full-day expo was held on Saturday, February 24, 2007 from 11:00am - 6:00pm. Special guest appearances were made by Lydia Criss and BRUCE KULICK. Both spent Saturday signing autographs, chatting with fans, as well as partaking in question and answer dialogue with the anxious audience. Lydia was also there autographing her recently published book Sealed With a KISS, which chronicles her life in pictures with famous KISS drummer, PETER CRISS. She self published the massive hardbound book so that she would be allowed to tell the story her way. For die hard KISS fans, it's a must have addition, full of great photographs and some unique stories about the band mates of KISS, and life with Peter. BRUCE KULICK, who played with KISS for twelve years (1984-1996), was there signing autographs for his solo, Union, and ESP CD's/DVDS along with the guitar instructional DVD that he produced with his brother, Bob Kulick.

Representatives were there from all walks of KISS history, and filled both levels of Club Boca with vendors and merchandise. Peter Arquette from as well as was there. Keith Leroux from the official web sites, and was also among the vendors selling merchandise. Three representatives for the newly released KISS fragrance for both men and women were there. They offered great specials on their boxed gift sets, as well as a giveaway drawing for a personally autographed gift set. There were also fans fully dressed up in costume and makeup representing different members of KISS. The attention to detail can make your head spin. It is always amazing to see the memorabilia that has been collected over the years by true KISS fans, even more amazing to hear their stories. Of course, there was face painting at the event, and many took the opportunity to have themselves made as their favorite KISS member for the day. Others have chosen to adorn themselves more permanently. Several KISS tattoos were spotted, and quite a few were very unique in appearance.

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Throughout the day on Saturday there were numerous events planned. A fun karaoke contest, a "Name That Tune" contestwith prizes and giveaways. There were Q & A sessions with both guests, Lydia and Bruce, as well as KISS Coffee House owner, Brian Galvin. Brian and his business partner, Skippy were there much of the day on Saturday, after having put in a bit of overtime by keeping the coffeehouse open later than usual on Friday night to accommodate a few road weary travelers. During their Q & A, much was discovered about the concept of the KISS coffee house. One big misconception was that the basic design as well as the look and feel of the storefront itself, has always been attributed to GENE SIMMONS and PAUL STANLEY. This is not the case. Brian Galvin came up with the concept of the storefront design inside and out, on his own, years ago .During the conversation with the audience, he also provided original sketches from the beginning conceptualization of the coffeehouse to the different designs of the cups and merchandise that was originally proposed. There was communication between Brian and Gene and Paul, in order to gain approval and acceptance for the final design. The inside of the store itself contains the original framed fax correspondance between Brian and GENE SIMMONS, as well as framed set lists, and several authentic donated articles from both Gene and Paul, including guitars, original stage costumes, and make up, as well as a blood soaked towel, plus one pair of Demon Dragon boots from Simmons, and a pair of Paul's famous starchild boots. The floor on the inside of the coffee house has bits and pieces of KISS history forever ingrained; back stage passes, KISS guitar pics, KISS collector cards from the 70's (bubblegum packs), as well as money. If one has never seen it, it is well worth the trip. The staff is very friendly, general manager Debbie is very accommodating, and the coffee is very good. Along with the merchandise I purchased from the store, I brought home four bags of coffee to try and decide which is my favorite. I do know the double shot Americana is very near perfect.

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The first Myrtle Beach KISS expo set a precedence for this first time Expo attendee and will hopefully become and annual affair. Either way we all have the KISS Coffeehouse 1 Year Anniversary to look forward to in June.

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