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KISS Goodbye To The Glamour
From: The West Australian

Gone on the record is all the glitz, glamour and posturing of KISS. Stanley has opted for a much more stripped down approach on Live to Win.

"You can put a lot of window dressing on it but ultimately it's about a great song. The people I have written with, like Desmond Child and Andreas Carlsson, are people I like to work with."

The stage is a magic place for Stanley. The veteran of more than 100 million album sales for KISS says his solo album and the subsequent US tour has reignited his love for music and the reason he started playing in the first place.

"I saw Jimi Hendrix play to 1500 (people) and Led Zeppelin play to 2000 and it was about passion and an unadulterated drive to simply put the music across. That's what these early shows have been about for me. It's different to a massive show. Here there is no confusing what people are coming for.

"I appreciate every person who shows up. I don't just talk it, I walk it. I'm out there every night doing something for around two hours and it's an incredibly intense and rewarding experience. I know people haven't left the shows feeling any less than blown away.

"With this band I'd say we are as good as anyone else and better than most. It's pretty electrifying when we get together," he says of a band which features Rob Zombie guitarist John 5 and former KISS player BRUCE KULICK. Stanley's first and only other solo album was released in 1978. The singer says he thought someone had done the maths wrong when they calculated the time between.

"If I wait another 28 years, it's going to be called Hope for Life," he laughs.

"I was always aware that everyone else in the band was doing their own thing. I felt that someone capable had to stay and mind the ship. I just felt if I always went off and did other things there might not be something to come back to. I just thought it was about now or never time, and time to do something that meant a lot to me."

Not content just to be a musician, Stanley has been "very successful" as a painter and has an "an amazing wife in Erin", is the proud dad to four-month old son Colin and 12-year-old Evan, who is already in his own band.

"I'm looking out the window at the ocean and while it hasn't been easy I know work is a means to an end. It isn't the end. I work to enjoy my life and my lifestyle.

"My life is fabulous," he says, meaning every word of it. It's really very simple. PAUL STANLEY loves to win. Live to Win is about doing what he loves and that's a serious win in his eyes.

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