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Eddie Trunk Talks About KISS, Ace And Others
From: Classic Rock Revisited

Jeb Wright recently interviewed VH1-Classic's Eddie Trunk. Eddie spoke about KISS, ACE FREHLEY, and other artists. A portion of the inteview is below, you can read the entire interview at

Jeb: I want to go WAY back.... I have heard the band that got you totally hooked into hard rock was KISS. For me it was Sabbath. Why KISS? What was it about that band that got to you?

Eddie: It was everything. The look, the sound, the show. Up til that point I was into pop little kid stuff, then a friend turned me on to Destroyer and it all changed. I remember the needle hitting the vinyl, hearing "Detroit Rock City" and just staring that the album cover. It was all over after that! KISS was also my first concert 12/16/77 at Madison Square Garden.

Jeb: Johnny Z and you went into business together and, if I am correct, you helped the careers of Anthrax, Raven, Kings X and others. However, the story that is most impressive is ACE FREHLEY. Tell the story of how you found Ace, what he was like at the time, and how you got him to get off his ass and start Frehley's Comet.

Eddie: Johnny hired me. Megaforce was not a mutual thing we did. It was his company and he already had signed Metallica, Anthrax, Raven and TT Quick. I was hired in 1986 and eventually became VP of the label. It ended for me in 1990. My focus was to move the label away from just thrash and super heavy stuff, and bring in more straight up hard rock. The label was just picked up by Atlantic so we had to raise the level and get more sales going to the mainstream and grow as a label. Johnny was not a KISS fan, but I pushed for him to track down Ace. I knew he was a guy that was out there somewhere with a big following that just needed some direction that could sell records instantly. We tracked him down through producer Eddie Kramer and it all just fell into place. I worked on all four of his Megaforce solo releases and Ace and I still talk almost every week. He's doing great and I'm going to go visit him and hear what he's working on.

Jeb: I was fortunate to be invited to the Rock Honors in Vegas. You were a huge part of that event behind the scenes. How did you choose the bands for the event?

Eddie: I was hired as a consultant for that event and it was great to be a part of it and work with some great people. They wanted real rock fans in the meetings and planning and that's why the show was such a real rock event. There was a bunch of people involved in that show, I just threw in my two cents and helped where I could. My main job was assembling the KISS tribute. The concept and song was pretty much my idea and I worked the most on that.

Jeb: How do you feel the event went?

Eddie: For a first ever show I thought it was awesome, nice to see rock done right. Not many people knew when the show was actually taping so the audience wasn't as full, but the performances were great and everyone was given great respect. It would have been great to have had the original KISS lineup for one song one last time, but it quickly became clear in early meetings that was not going to happen.

Read the whole interview with Eddie Trunk, where he discusses Van Halen, Heaven and Hell, Robert Plant and more at

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