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From: KISSOnline

Question 1: TOMMY, I just want to thank you for your continued support of our Armed Forces. I have been with the KISS Army forever, and the Air Force for 17 years. I want you to know how much you are appreciated as a member of KISS, and your undaunted support for the troops. I truly enjoyed meeting you on the Rock The Nation Tour backstage, it was an honor to meet such humble person. Good luck to you and all your endeavors, and I can't wait to see you and/or your work, which is truly first class. Thanks for all you do.
- Brent Mickley, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota

Answer: Brent, It means a lot to hear from you and your kind words. I really do appreciate what a fantastic job you and all US Armed Forces are doing. Many people take it for granted and they don't understand that we wouldn't have a United States of America if it weren't for you, defending our liberty and freedoms. All the best to you, TOMMY

Question 2: Hi TOMMY, I love your guitar style. It is reminds me some of Steve Clark/Def Leppard style. Anyway, about your guitar gear... Do you prefer Les Pauls that have a wide 50's neck or slim 60's? Do you also use stock Gibson pickups or aftermarket Duncans?
Kind Regards, Ken Crouch, Memphis, Tennessee

Answer: Hey Ken, Good observation on my guitar style, I do come from a Steve Clark style of playing, I love earlier Def Leppard, On Through The Night, High & Dry, etc. My Les Pauls generally have 1960-ish necks, which are a bit thinner, I guess it's just what I'm used to. I have pretty big hands, so if I played the 1958 type necks (stockier) I'd probably could get used to those too! I've used all kinds of pickups through the years. I always used to use Duncan/Jeff Beck models, but since I've played in KISS, it's been Gibson 498s. Hope that helps.. TT

Question 3: Hello TOMMY, I saw you and Gene bowling on the Rock the Nation DVD and was wondering how long you have been a bowler and your highest score?
Peace, Kevin Corren, Sunnyvale, California

Answer: Kevin, I've bowled off and on since I was 13 or 14 and have been in a few leagues along the way. My top score is a 265, not bad for a guitar player...

Question 4: Hi TOMMY, I read recently that the Rock The Nation Live! DVD achieved platinum status for sales in the US, is that true? The reason I ask is because I hadn't heard anything about it.
Thanks, Zach Hartnett, Austin, Texas

Answer: Another good question. The KISS Rock The Nation Live! DVD was recently awarded Double-Platinum sales status here in the US by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). We just received our award plaques a couple weeks ago, what an honor!

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