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Rock Star Drawn To New Pursuit

In addition to his role as frontman for tireless classic rock band KISS, PAUL STANLEY is also a ... painter?

If you need to see it to believe it, he and his paintings will be in Charlotte this weekend. In the meantime, you can hear what the 55-year-old rocker has to say about this new venture.

Q. Have you always been a visual artist as well as a musician? From the time I was very little, according to others, I was fairly gifted in art. I wound up in New York City going to the (Fiorella H. LaGuardia) High School of Music & Art, which was the sister school to the school that "Fame" was about. I went there for art but was drawn to music.

Q. When did you start painting? About six years ago, I was going through a divorce. My best friend said, "You need to paint." I had never spent any time painting. I went out and bought canvases and paints, and went to work. It became a really powerful emotional journey. It allowed me to delve into parts of myself that were more easily painted than spoken. I purposely put aside the idea of trying to depict anything in a lifelike way. The idea of making something overly realistic for me takes away the (painting's) emotional power.

Q. So why the KISS portraits? The portraits of the band, I did because the KISS fans would enjoy it. I wouldn't want to make a large time commitment to doing more of that. That was really something I did as a tip of the hat.

Q. Do you find collectors don't necessarily know that you're PAUL STANLEY from KISS? Many of the people who acquired my art had no idea who it was when they first saw it. That's a big compliment to me.

Q. How do you keep a gallery appearance from becoming a fan fest? It's important to let everybody know up front that this isn't an autograph session. There is a time and place for that, and an art gallery isn't it. Obviously, fans will show up. I think it's a great way to introduce people to art who wouldn't necessarily be exposed to it.

Q. Do you collect art? I used to collect a lot of Art Nouveau, Tiffany lamps, and art of that period. Right now, there's nothing of any of the greats in my house. I've had opportunities that passed by, and I scratch my head and wonder why I didn't buy a Picasso.

Q. Have you been pleased with the response to your work? I've been incredibly gratified and thankful. I tend to do things -- whether music or art -- that avoids snobbery, and goes for the appeal of people who don't look over their shoulder to see whether someone else approves. That being said, people are not opposed to spending quite a bit of money.

Q. You recently released a solo album. Do you have KISS projects in the works, too? I couldn't stop KISS if I wanted to. We're actually doing a few shows this summer to flex our muscles. It's not a tour. For KISS to tour is like launching an aircraft carrier.


According to press materials, "he aims to maximize the ... impact of his (art) through scale, texture, color and simplicity of images."

WHEN: 6-9 p.m. today, Saturday.

WHERE: Wentworth Gallery, SouthPark mall (4400 Sharon Road).

DETAILS: 704-365-2733

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