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Maul Stanley Interviews TWISTED SISTER Vocalist DEE SNIDER

In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars saga, Twisted Sister vocalist Dee Snider has been interviewed by the mysterious Maul Stanley (a parody hybrid of Star Wars character Darth Maul and KISS guitarist PAUL STANLEY). As part of this special week-long event, Maul Stanley has also interviewed members of Poison, Cinderella and Quiet Riot regarding their own unique Star Wars experiences.

A few excerpts from the Dee Snider interview follow:

Maul Stanley: What are your memories of the first time seeing a Star Wars movie?

Dee Snider: Well, I remember seeing the first one when it came out in 1977. I saw it during a matinee with my wife, who at the time was still my girlfriend my very young, 15-year-old girlfriend! She was so young that I could only take her to a matinee! She and I and a few friends had decided to go see Star Wars but we honestly had no idea what we were in for. There was simply nothing else like it at the time and when we got to the theater, it was absolutely packed! Star Wars was a whole new kind of action-adventure film, even though it borrowed heavily from Flash Gordon and other films of that era. In the end, we were just wowed by the whole experience.

Maul Stanley: Do you have a favorite Star Wars character?

Dee Snider: I'd say it's a toss-up between handsome Luke Skywalker and ugly Luke Skywalker! He just looked so completely different in the second film! They tried to explain it away by showing him getting mauled by that snow beast, but everybody knew he'd actually been in a car accident. I can't say which Luke I prefer but they each have their merits!

Maul Stanley: Do you see any similarities between what you do with Twisted Sister and what George Lucas did with Star Wars?

Dee Snider: Well, I can very much appreciate the challenge of living up to your own history because I've experienced that in the music industry. It's difficult not to second-guess yourself when you're trying to recreate the formula for what gave you success in the first place, especially when there really was no formula! In the case of Star Wars, George Lucas was just going with his gut. People kept saying, "Are you insane? A space movie? No one's watching those anymore!" But Lucas stuck to his guns and it paid off for him big time. However, when you go back and revisit something as successful as that, that's when you begin to doubt yourself. I'm sure George reads what the fans are saying on the bulletin boards and in the chat rooms, hoping to interpret what they want. But the minute you start doing that, it's the KISS of death! It's always difficult to follow in your own footsteps.

The entire interview is available here:

Maul Stanley is the unlikely new anti-hero who combines the spirit of the Starchild with the essence of the Sith, spiked with a dash of irreverence. Drawing inspiration from both the Star Wars movies and the rock band KISS, the so-called Sithchild mixes the dark side of rock & roll with the dark side of the Force. Maul Stanley has appeared on Late Night with Conan O'Brien and in the Triumph the Insult Comic Dog DVD. He can also be seen in the VH1 special When Star Wars Ruled the World. In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars saga, Maul Stanley has conducted a series of interviews with various rock stars regarding their own unique Star Wars experiences. Maul Stanley is about to descend upon the realms of both sci-fi and rock & roll in a big way, heralded by the ominous whisper...

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