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Mr. Lordi on Destroyer
From: Classic Rock Magazine

"It was the first KISS album I owned. It wasn't the first KISS album that I heard, that was Creatures Of The Night. I was just a little kid back then. Iwent to a record store and thought I'd buy just the KISS album - I didn't know that there were plenty of KISS albums. I was like, 'Whoah! So many to choose from!' I had no idea where to start - I thought Destroyer was the coolest.

"It has so much nostalgia for me. It has God Of Thunder - my all-time favorite song from KISS - one of my favorite songs period. I remember the first time I was listening to the album, with all the theatrical parts - the few seconds of 'radio theatre,' if you will, at the beginning [of Detroit Rock City]. I was scared shitless! It was terrifying. But I loved it!

"KISS have so many different albums and so many different musical styles it's like a deck of cards. Destroyer is different. I think it's the first big-sounding album KISS did. The first three albums are more like rock 'n roll albums; Destroyer is a huge album. It doesn't matter how low the volume, it sounds big. Of course, there are so many production tricks, with the piano powering up the chords, and the orchestrations and stuff. I think a lot of thanks goes to [producer] Bob Ezrin, because the next album that really sticks out in the KISS catalogue is The Elder [1981], which is Bob Ezrin again.

"I still think Destroyer really has something unique in its feel; as a whole it has something really fresh to this day.

"I'm a huge GENE SIMMONS fan. My favorite member of KISS. And it's kind of funny that God Of Thunder is a PAUL STANLEY song - the ultimate GENE SIMMONS song is written by PAUL STANLEY. It's perfect, there's nothing that I would change on that song. "Sweet Pain is one of my favorite songs also. Once again - surprise, surprise - a Gene song. A simple melody, and in the end it has a really cool, off-time rhythm. The riff at the end is really cool, because it's something that you don't expect to happen in the song.

"Detroit Rock City as an opening track... the bass line in the verses is excellent. That lick is something you would have never expected from Gene, if you listened to the first three albums. It's so technical and non-KISS at the time.

"I still listen to Destroyer quite a lot actually. My knowledge of music and interest in new music kind of stops somewhere before the mid-90s. I just didn't find out any more new bands and new albums that I would really get into - I don't get that rush. Destroyer stands the test of time. Every show, before our intro tape starts to roll we play God Of Thuner."

Lordi's The Arockalypse is out now on Sony/BMG.

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