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Make A Wish For KISS Fan
From: KISSOnline

My name is Chad Miller. I was born on May 5, 1990 in San Bernardino California. I am 17 years old. I have one older brother, (David) three sister's (Amy, Michele and Barbi), and one nephew ( Seth). I live with my father, (Brian) and my mother ( Sherrie), and two of my sisters. I am the youngest of the family.

I was first introduced to KISS at an early age around seven years old. Instantly they became my favorite band. For years I dressed up as GENE SIMMONS for Halloween and my friends would dress up as the rest of the band. It was a lot of fun and people said we LOOKED GOOD.

I wanted to play the guitar and did for a while, but the drums interested me also. I began putting a drum set together and practicing. I now have a band that I am the drummer in.

In January 2007 I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer). I had too immediately start Chemo, my life had come to a stop. I have spent a lot of time at the hospital from M.R.Is to I.V.s to unwanted hospital food. It has been very scary. I am right now still fighting for my life. I struggle everyday on what is going to happen to me and will I be a survivor of this monster, (I will). I have the fight in me, and family and good friends to help in my weak times.

I recently had a wish granted from Make a Wish Foundation. I had a shopping spree at my favorite place ( Guitar Center). I was able to add some cool stuff to my drum set. I was shocked when I found out that I was meeting ERIC SINGER, WOW that was really a shocker. He was very nice and wanted to make my day special, it was like having two wishes come true. He gave me autographed drum sticks, CDs, pictures of the band and a signed drum head. He made my day so special I will never forget it, THANK YOU ERIC. I also had a party at my house more than 60 people were there family and lots of friends. My band played for the first time in front of an audience.

When I found out I was going to be on the KISS website I just kept thinking that my wish was still going. My ultimate dream would be to meet the rest of KISS. So I will continue to dream.

Thank You,

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