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Click to enlarge Ask Eric
From: KISSOnline

QUESTION: Hi Eric, I have a cd called KISS Indiscreet, a club performance KISS did in Brooklyn just after you joined the band. On that show you used extreme double bass drumming ( which was awesome ). But as I heard you later in the band , especially on MTV Unplugged you had reverted back to the original patterns of the songs, was it hard to learn these patterns, and as a superb double-bass drummer, was it hard to do single kick-drumming? Greetings. --- Phil Anderson, South-Africa

ANSWER (ERIC): Phil, first of all thank you for the email and props... As for double kick or single kick drum usage? It really depends on the band or songs. I am just as comfortable either way and have no problem playing more simplified if needed or asked. It really is about playing for the songs first and if there is more room to stretch then that is kool too! The KISS songs are not that complicated drum wise but rather require the feel and attitude to be more important in my opinion.

QUESTION: Hi Eric, You rock!! My question is which KISS song do you like playing the most and why? --- Figueroa, Guaynabo, San Jaun

ANSWER (ERIC): Thanx Figueroa !! I always have liked playing a lot of KISS songs like PARASITE, Got to Choose, Cold Gin or just about anything from the first three records. But, I would have to say "Do You Love Me" is my fav KISS Klassic because it represents what KISS is all about. Great Rock n Roll song !

QUESTION: Eric, I'm a big fan of yours and your overall playing style. My question is this - What do you get out of playing with KISS and that style of rock music versus what you have done in the past? Respectfully --- Danny Mullins, Lawton, OK

ANSWER (ERIC): Thanx Danny. I always loved that KISS was a visual band that had really kool songs and was basically a "Hard Rock" band in that classic sense. Rock and Roll to be more exact ! You can't really have one without the other. Since I was also a fan growing up it makes it even more kool to get to play with a band that influenced me as well.

QUESTION: Dear Eric, Sorry I missed you at the expo in Cleveland. I was not able to travel home to see you there due to some family commitments. I was wondering if you were and are a big Cleveland sports fan or if you have other teams you prefer? I was born in Cleveland, but live in Wisconsin now. Great seeing you this summer at RockFest!!! Thanks for all you do. --- Bill Bokenyi, St. Croix Falls, WI

ANSWER (ERIC): Hey Bill, sorry you couldn't make the Cleveland Expo.... It was a good turnout and was great to be home too! As for sports teams and Cleveland? Of course I will always be a BROWNS, INDIANS and CAVS fan BUT, I really love the LAKERS since I was a kid even before I moved to L.A. I also love Ohio State Football/Basketball Go Buckeyes !

QUESTION: HI! I'm a drummer and I love your stuff, you and ERIC CARR you are my biggest influence. My question is what is your favorite Carr stuff? And which song you wish to play with KISS but you never played? --- Karl Disowned, Europe

ANSWER (ERIC): Hi Karl, I also liked ERIC CARR as a drummer and think Creatures is a great record partly because of his drumming for sure ! As for a song(S) I would like to play but never did ? The Oath, Strange Ways, Flaming Youth.

QUESTION: Hi Eric, My question is very simple…What are your favorite KISS albums and Why? --- James Braddock, Harts town, PA

ANSWER (ERIC): My favorite KISS record is either Dressed to Kill or Hotter Than Hell. I love a lot of the other records as well but, those two really made me a fan in the first place and I love the simplicity of the sound recordings as well. Very raw!

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