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From: West County Journal

PAUL STANLEY of KISS finds passion in painting

After more than 30 years of sporting the infamous black and white face paint, a singer and guitarist of KISS is finding another use for paint these days.

Although legendary rock 'n' roll star PAUL STANLEY shelved the makeup years ago, he didn't make his debut as a painter until 2005. When asked if his face-makeup days contributed to his artistic abilities, Stanley was quick to respond with "no."

Stanley took a break from painting in his art studio, or what he describes as "a mess," at his Los Angeles home to talk to the Journal about his passion for painting.

Stanley will appear from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 17, and Saturday, Aug. 18, at the Wentworth Gallery in Des Peres to sell and sign paintings and limited-edition prints.

As an art major and graduate of the prestigious high school of Music and Art in NYC, Stanley said he returned to his passion to share the deep emotions his art conveys.

"I had just gotten divorced, and anyone who has gotten divorced knows there comes a point when you are tired of pulling your hair out or beating your head against the wall," Stanley said. "My friend said very prophetically, 'You need to paint.' I had never really spent time painting, but I went out and bought canvases and brushes and started."

Stanley said what started as a personal pursuit has attracted responses from many who seem to be connecting to his art.

"I started painting for myself as a personal, cathartic adventure, a stream of consciousness using texture and color instead of words," he said. "But when you do something for yourself, you'll always find someone else that you please."

So how does this rocker find time to paint, considering his busy schedule of concerts, fantasy camps and family?

Stanley said he compartmentalizes his life to make sure he gets to do it all.

"When I step on stage I don't carry paint brushes, and I don't carry a guitar into my studio," Stanley said.

When the singer/songwriter/guitarist does find time to pick up a paintbrush, he uses texture, scale, color and simplicity of images to create portraits and abstracts. Stanley said his compositions are reflections of his life, his experiences as well as his emotions.

"My life, my experiences, are all over my art. They're just not literal, they're emotional," he said. "All emotions are universal. All feelings are universal. That's why abstract art, or my art, can connect to so many people."

When asked if he thinks he has captured a new audience, other than his KISS fans, through his art, Stanley said the fan base intersects.

"There are enough people acquiring my art that would never go to a KISS concert, and there are also people at KISS concerts that would never acquire my art. But they do cross over," he said.

The rock 'n' roll icon recognizes that although his fame plays a large role in getting him through the door at galleries, he could still get the door slammed on his foot.

"It's been great to know from galleries that many people were drawn to my paintings before they knew who painted them," Stanley said.

Stanley said he is looking forward to his visit to St. Louis, as he recalls the days of the Kiel Auditorium, Checkerdome and the KSHE Kite Flying Contests in the '70s.

"It's a great way to connect with people, although this is not an opportunity to get your CDs, posters, T-shirts or tour books signed," Stanley said. "It's a chance for people to see another side of me."

Gloria Freeman, director of the Wentworth Gallery in Des Peres, said Stanley's pieces range upward of $1,550 for a framed, signed and numbered limited edition, while original paintings range in price from $10,000 to $55,000.

Freeman also said anyone who purchases art prior to Aug. 17 will be able to attend the closed-door, VIP reception with Stanley.

"We are anticipating long lines of people, so buying ahead of time is definitely the way to go," Freeman said.

This weekend, Wentworth is hosting a preview of Stanley's work, in which guests can view his complete selection and purchase art prior to the exhibit featuring appearances by Stanley.

"The incredible acceptance and acquisitions of my art have humbled and motivated me to do more," Stanley said. "If music is a language that I can use to speak to people, now I am finding so is my art."

Paintings by a rock star

What: PAUL STANLEY art exhibit and VIP reception.
When: 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 17, and Saturday, Aug. 18.
Where: Wentworth Gallery, Westfield West County shopping center, lower level, Space 53. The center is off Manchester Road at Interstate 270.
Preview: 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 10, and 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11.
Call (314) 821-8884 for more information or to pre-purchase art.

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