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Click to enlarge BRUCE Talks KISSology II

After the successful release of 'KISSOLOGY Volume 2' last week we decided to run down ex-KISS guitarist BRUCE KULICK and ask a few questions regarding his era with the band and footage that was - or wasn’t - included in 'Volume 2'.

The first thing that grabs me is that there is no mention of Asylum or that particular tour in the menu. Why was it overlooked? (I see the live clip of "Tears Are Falling" during the 1987 menu, though…)

It has been a frustrating thing regarding the documentation of that tour. There is very little good stuff out there.

Have you ever seen any pro footage with full audio from the Asylum tour?

I have asked fans and collectors alike, and there is NOT.

It appears that Animalize and the Animalize tour doesn’t get mentioned, either. Why?

I am not sure, but realize that some footage that exists sometimes cannot be cleared to be included. Unlike bootlegs, this is very official product that has to be properly signed off on etc. And sometimes the ownership or other issues are quite complicated.

Does the band have any pro footage of MARK ST. JOHN playing live or perhaps a show where you both played?

NOT that I am aware of. I have a photo somewhere, and not a great one!

After hearing Gene and Paul’s commentary about MARK ST. JOHN they really seemed to be unhappy with him in the band. Was his illness - although real - overblown and used as an excuse to get him out and get you in permanently?

They really did give him a proper chance but I was already hitting home runs in the line up.

Are there key shows from your career with KISS that you would like to see the light of day?

Donnington in the UK. A huge show in Canada with Whitesnake. We played the Marquee in London sometime as well. How about a benefit at the Stone Pony in NJ! There are others later than that, but I am just mentioning some from this Kissology II era-correct performances.

Hearing the commentary from Paul re: ERIC CARR’s illness and passing sheds some light on what we’ve heard since his death. You had to be in a terrible spot at that time. Paul says the band was cut off from Eric and his family. Did that apply to you as well?

Yes that did. I would hear about things from Carrie Stevens. But it was a difficult time for all.

Were you opposed to moving forward with a new record at that time or was there no other choice than to move ahead with ERIC SINGER?

We did need to move forward as hard as it was.

Who had the video footage of ERIC CARR that’s included after the credits to Disc 3?

I am not sure, but I would presume that came from Eric’s family.

You’re obviously going to be in the next volume - Revenge, Alive III, KISS My Ass, Unplugged, Carnival of Souls. What kind of stuff exists that may get included that we haven’t seen? Do you think MTV Unplugged will see life again on DVD?

I hope the MTV Unplugged event does appear again. I am not really sure what will be in the next volume but I know it will be cool for sure. I am so proud of the fact some new KISS product from my era is out there. As you know, I meet so many fans of those years with ERIC CARR and the Revenge KISS and the fans are quite supportive!

Thank you KISS fans around the world. Visit my site when you can!

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