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Click to enlarge KISS' GENE SIMMONS Comes Out Of The Phone Booth
From: The Washington Post

Posted: November 19, 2007

Depending on your age, you think of GENE SIMMONS as the painted, long-tongued leader of KISS or as the father on the A&E program "GENE SIMMONS Family Jewels," which shows his real life with longtime love and former Playboy playmate Shannon Tweed and their two children.

Less known is GENE SIMMONS, comic book freak. Recently we called upon Simmons, 58, who publishes his own line of comics, to talk about his passionate relationship with Superman.

Q: What's your deal with Superman?

A: Well, Superman caught me as an immigrant. I came to America (from Israel in the 1950s), and I didn't look like everybody else. I didn't talk like everyone else, and yet I didn't actually feel lower than anybody else. I did feel like Superman inside.

I was immediately drawn to the idea of the cape and fancy outfit because we all wanted to show off, but I loved that underneath that was a mild, meek guy.

Q: Did your love of superheroes at all influence the presentation of Kiss?

A: There's a direct correlation. With KISS, there was a certain stage persona and an offstage persona, an alter ego. For the first 10 years or so we protected our secret identity. People wanted to see what we looked like offstage, and we didn't do that for the longest time.

Q: Do you still have Superman stuff around the house?

A: Sure. I've always wanted to have Superman meet KISS.

Q: Does DC (Superman's publisher) know about it?

A: I don't know. They're probably not aware that with KISS and Superman together, their sales would skyrocket because we have more fans than they do.

Q: I'm curious as someone who's getting married ...

A: Who is?

Q: I am, in the next year or so ...

A: Don't do it.

Q: ... I'm wondering how your partner ...

A: No partners. It's just me and Shannon. Women are free now.

Q: I'm wondering what she thinks of Superman.

A: Oh, women don't have a clue. They never did. It's biological. Our aspiration to be heroes, to physical greatness and ruling the world is something totally foreign to them.

Q: How are you able to keep your Superman stuff and other comics from being thrown out?

A: Well, I own everything, you see. It's my house and my stuff. I don't get the you-live-with-a-woman and she can say "we" and "ours." No, that doesn't play in my house. It's my house. I bought it. You bought it. It's your stuff, not our stuff.

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