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Click to enlarge Questions About KISSology 3
From: KISS Asylum
Posted: December 21, 2007 has received many questions and complaints about the video edits for several of the shows on the new KISSology 3 video release. Here we answer questions submitted by Sean Jeric, to the best of our knowledge:

SEAN JERIC - My biggest question surrounds the 1996 Tiger Stadium (Detroit, Michigan) show. I was in attendance back in 1996 and have always wanted to own a legitimate copy of this historic show on DVD. With the purchase of KISSology Volume 3 I was finally able to own a copy of the historic show, but I am quite honestly shocked and completely disappointed for a list of reasons that I think, in my opinion, you should shed some light on to us, the KISS ARMY community:

SEAN JERIC - The 10 to 30+ second blackout, with audio only (Paul talking to the crowd) between EACH song is extremely frustrating and not timed correctly (late music starts coming out of the blackouts). Based on current-day technology, it seems down-right peculiar to me as to why you (KISS) would allow such a thing to be released.

KISSASYLUM.COM - For the Reunion tour, KISS for the first time incorporated extensive live video screens and special video effects within the show. The video of this show presented on the KISSology 3 video box set is the live video feed that was used for the several massive screens behind and surrounding the stage. The video screens were not used for every part of the show, including the spaces between songs, which is why there is audio of Paul rapping to the crowd, but no picture.

SJ - Some of the songs from this concert on the DVD move at half speed for the entire song. I am not speaking from an audio perspective, but from a video perspective there is a strange, almost slow motion/half speed, thing going on that is very frustrating to watch.

KA - The slow special effects in the video were used to enhance the live performance and were really never intended as a home video release. KISSology 3 simply documents this show for us with the only video available.

SJ - The camera angles, in my opinion, are horrible. You only give us close-ups of each band member and never include a wide-camera shot where you can see the whole band at once, or to that end, the elaborate stage set-up that was used for this historic show. During your blood-spitting routine as another example, the entire segment is mostly blacked-out, and we also do not see you fly up to the rafters because the DVD goes black basically right after you drool blood.

KA - There are only close-ups for two reasons: First, everyone at the show already had a wide-angle view of the stage from their seat. The close-ups were used to help bring the concert-goer closer to the action. Second, it was to avoid the large video screen behind Peter's drum kit as this would cause a distorted video image.

SJ - The DVD is missing 2,000 Man, New York Groove, Beth, Black Diamond, and last but definitely not least, DETROIT ROCK CITY. This is probably the dumbest thing I have ever seen musically and/or DVD speaking. Why on earth would you put the Detroit, Michigan show on DVD, and NOT include Detroit Rock City?

KA - We're not too sure about this one. It may be that those songs just didn't incorporate the video or that the screens were using special effects or just an artistic video backdrop design for the song. For Detroit Rock City, there were extensive fireworks going on that perhaps wouldn't translate into a reason to put them on the jumbo screens at the show. It could have been time constraints or the fact that the footage just may be missing, but we really are not sure.

Again, much of this video is simply added onto the KISSology series for us fans to enjoy. Much of it is just raw-footage that was never intended to be a slick, home video concert release. It is amazing that this footage exists and generous that it is even being presented to us fans at all.

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