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Click to enlarge Interview With TOMMY THAYER
Posted: March 14, 2008

TOMMY THAYER really needs no introduction, founding member of Oregan band Black And Blue, Tommy has travelled the world and shared the stage with some of the biggest bands in the world. His introduction to the KISS Family stems back to the early eightees when GENE SIMMONS produced for Black and Blue. Tommy also went onto work with Gene writing Betrayed, and Street Giveth for KISS' 1990 album Hot In The Shade.

Following the break up of Black And Blue, Tommy did alot of session work and formed the very punk influenced band Shake The Faith. There album America the Violent, is highly recommended by us here at Behind The Amps. It was around this time, that Tommy began working for the KISS Company in various capacities, and in 2002 he was asked to fill the role of The Spaceman with the group.

Besides his roll in KISS, Tommy is highly involved with various charities and helping in the education of the youth in his native Oregan.

So on the eve of KISS' visit to Australia, we bring you our quick chat with KISS lead guitarists TOMMY THAYER.

BEHIND THE AMPS: Could you please tell us about the new Hughes & Kettner amps that will be using on this tour. How did this association come to be, and what specs are your new amps?

TOMMY THAYER: I am happy to announce that Hughes & Kettner is producing the new "TOMMY THAYER Signature Edition DuoTone amplifier." It is customized version of the HK classic amp, the DuoTone. It has an amazing tone; rich, ballsy, but very classic sound. All of my royalties for this amp are going directly to a charity I’m closely associated with, "The Childrens Hospital Los Angeles."

BEHIND THE AMPS: You have played Les Paul’s throughout your career, and I noticed you used a silver finished Les Paul on the last tour, do you have any new guitars you will be debuting on the Alive/35 tour, and are these guitars modified (different pickups etc) or are they kept stock?

TOMMY THAYER: I will have several new guitars on this tour, I’m working on those right now. I won’t be straying far off the mark with pick-ups etc. though, because what I’ve used in recent years has worked well for me.

BEHIND THE AMPS: The Alive /35 tour is currently hitting Australia and Europe only, is there any other markets the band plans to hit during this tour, is the band rehearsing any rare songs for this tour?

TOMMY THAYER: We’re already rehearsing many KISS gems. The set is going to kick your ass.

BEHIND THE AMPS: A hypothetical question Tommy. Assemble a 4 piece band from your heros growing up, and a 4 piece band from current players today, who would your choices be and why?

TOMMY THAYER: How about Paul McCartney, Jimmy Page and John Bonham. As far as today, I’m not sure.

BEHIND THE AMPS: The new photo’s on the net show the band have gone back to the Destroyer Style costumes, will there be a new stage to go along with it, if so could you give us a little info on it?

TOMMY THAYER: Under our direction, the KISS production team is working on it now. We will always tour with a stage that’s fit for the bombast and enormity of the classic KISS show.

BEHIND THE AMPS: It has been rumoured that KISS are filming the Australian shows for a special project, is this regarding new volumes of the hugely successful Kissology series or is it for a new project?

TOMMY THAYER: Every show is filmed, we been doing that for the last 10 to 15 years. And there will be crews following us throughout the entire tour catching what happens offstage and behind the scenes.

BEHIND THE AMPS: Thanks so much for your time Tommy, any final words for your fans?

TOMMY THAYER: Back at you! Thank you to all KISS fans worldwide. You are an incredible, unique breed of rock & roll animals!

To view more photos of Tommy, visit:

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