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Click to enlarge Interview With Detroit Rock City Director Carl V. Dupre
Posted: April 18, 2008

SLASH HAPPY: How did Detroit Rock City come to you?

CARL V. DUPRE: That was an original project I wrote. There is a long story to that one. I came up with the idea while working on a movie named Skinner with another editor name Peter Schink. We were talking about old times, and old rock concerts. The first concert I ever went to was a KISS concert. I owned all of their albums, and was a pretty big fan. While one of my favorite movies was "I Want To Hold Your Hand". So I said to Peter one day that someone should write a story where KISS is the Holy Grail. He said "you should write that". So sometime later we were working on a movie called Barb Wire with Pam Anderson...

SLASH HAPPY: I think many of us are aware of that movie...

CARL V. DUPRE: Yeah well you would of thought we were making Apocalypse Now with all the Editors we had on that project. Anyway I met a guy on that project named David Feldman. He ended up giving the script to an independent movie actor Kevin Corrigan (The Departed). He ended up giving it to this woman who was starting a partnership with Barry Levine. And Barry had been a photographer for KISS for like ever. So he gave the script to KISS's manager. When I heard back from them they said Gene love it. I didn't know who they were talking about. Until it was explain that GENE SIMMONS (Kiss) was the Gene who read it, and love it. Ok, now a lot happens from this point on. Adam Rifkin a director is looking for a project to take to New Line. His girlfriend who works with another studio who we had pitched the idea too, gives him the script. At the same time New Line is actively looking for a movie where KISS is a center piece. Needless to say when he comes in they are excited. The script was green lit in 28 days.

SLASH HAPPY: Wow, that is something. Did the script change much after that point?

CARL V. DUPRE: No it did not go to re-writes, and was basically exactly what was shot.

SLASH HAPPY: Now that doesn't happen often, does it?

CARL V. DUPRE: No I had my great Hollywood experience, basically right out of the gate.

SLASH HAPPY: Did you like Adam Rifkins work on the project?

CARL V. DUPRE: Very much. I thought he added to much of the humor in the movie.

Read about Carl's other projects at

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