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Click to enlarge ACE Rockin' Hard And Livin' Well

Posted: May 9, 2008

Contrary to last year’s rumors, ACE FREHLEY is alive. He didn’t commit suicide via a drug overdose, a rumor that swept the internet last year. In fact, the legendary guitarist who helped make KISS one of the biggest rock bands in history seems to be in better shape now than he recent years.

"I’ve been clean and sober for 19 months now," Frehley said. "It’s nice to wake up in the morning and remember what you did last night."

Recent photos from Frehly’s new tour shows the guitarist trimmed down with a goatee, longer straight hair and black shades. Wielding his signature Starburst Les Paul, Frehley’s appearance is a far cry from the makeup days or the "unmasked" years of the late ’80s and ’90s. Known for his issues with substance abuse, Frehley sports a new band and a new outlook on performing live.

"I’ve been pretty much on a health kick since I’ve been sober," Frehley said. "And with all that nonsense out of your system, you think clearer and you make more intelligent decisions about everything, about what you put in your body and your career. Same thing happens when you are abusing stuff, but it just happens in reverse."

Frehley’s career keeps him busier than ever. Currently on tour with no end in sight, fans have continued to embrace the former KISS guitarist and his music, and seem excited to learn that he will release another solo album, something Freyley hasn’t done in more than 20 years. With the advent of YouTube, fans can see the guitarist and his band on their current tour, something Ace seems to embrace, with only a little reservation concerning his new material.

"I would imagine the YouTube clips have only helped my career because some people who would have normally not been able to see me, can," Frehley said. "I can’t complain about it but I know some people do."

Frehley then notes that such exposure does have its downside.

"To be honest with you, if it wasn’t for YouTube, I probably would be playing a couple of the new tunes live," Frehley said. "But I don’t want to give any of the new stuff away to the mass media. It’s been so long since I came out with a new record, I want this one to be special."

When not touring, Ace hangs out with his wife and works from his home studio. And if you’re wondering if there will be a ACE FREHLEY reality show like the one of his former frontman, don’t hold your breath. He’s been approached several times but has turned down offers for a side career on the small screen.

"I think [Gene Simmon’s] show is funny as shit," Frehley said. "But I gotta keep my private life private. Gene’s a ham, he loves the press, so reality shows are perfect for him. But when I am at home, I feel like part of your life has to be private."

His current Rocket Ride World Tour has Ace and company playing in America and Europe with a followup tour in the works after release of his album. But for this rock ‘n’ roll icon, keeping busy is a benefit to clean and healthy living.

"It actually feels better now than it has for a long time," he said. "I have my band and my music and I’m in control of my own destiny. I got the greatest fans in the world and I consider it a privilege to play no matter if it’s an arena or a small club. I have just as much fun either way."

ACE FREHLEY plays the Whiskey Roadhouse (at Horseshoe Casino) Friday, May 9. The 8 p.m. show costs $29. Matt’s Rocket Collection opens. Visit

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