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Click to enlarge Rock And Roll Dad
From: Family Circle Magazine

Posted: May 11, 2008

You've traded the superstar lifestyle of LA's Viper Room for the Diaper Room. What are some of your day-to-day duties?

At 6 A.M. I was up with Colin. I changed, dressed and fed him, then we played together and watched Baby Einstein DVD's. Mornings are my favorite time of day. And as soon as we're off the phone, I'll pick Evan up from school.

Sounds like you're and involved dad.

You have to be hands on. But I'm fortunate: When I'm not on tour I'm here seven days a week, 24 hours a day. I probably take on more of the load than most fathers. And, of course, my wife, Erin, is amazing. She's always there for the kids, making them feel special.

What are your house rules?

Bedtime is an important routine. We try to get Evan to sleep by 9 P.M. Having respect for everyone else in the house is also key, as is maintaining good grades in school.

Do you and Erin help Evan with his homework?

He's an excellent student - especially in science - but we do our part. I quiz him for tests; Erin is the whiz when it comes to math.

Which rule is Evan most likely to break?

He always wants to stay up past his bedtime. If I told him he could stay up until midnight for a special occasion, he'd try for 12:30.

What's the hardest question you've had to answer as a parent?

When Evan was very young he said to me, "Dad, if God is inside everyone, why are there bad people?"

And how did you respond?

I told him, "Because some people don't listen to what he's saying." But I admit it took me a little while to come up with that.

You're a painter as well as a musician. Do you see a lot of creativity in your sons?

Oh, yeah. I finger paint with Colin, and Evan is a phenomenal guitarist - he can outplay me! But he is very much his own person, and I am grateful for that. My wish for him and Colin is that they'll make their own tracks in life without walking in my shadow.

What's your idea of a perfect day with your family?

It doesn't take much to make us happy - going to the mall, playing instruments at Guitar Center, sitting down to dinner together, giving Colin a bath - it's all great. I also like to spend time alone with Erin to recap the day and revel in how lucky we are to have this family.

Most teens think parents are embarrassing. What have you done to mortify Evan?

It's a little different when you're a rock star. You're pretty cool no matter how you slice it.

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