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Click To Watch The Video "Drummer Troy" Discusses His Appearance On VINNIE VINCENT Tribute
From: Rock Zone

Posted: September 4, 2008

I just posted an interview I recently did w/White Lion Drummer where he discusses his appearance on the new VINNIE VINCENT tribute CD KISS My Ankh. Here are a few excerpts. You can read the entire interview at

1. Rock Zone: - Troy why don't we start off with how you got the opportunity to appear on the new VINNIE VINCENT tribute CD KISS My Ankh?

TPF: - Marko Pukkla (Bass) asked me to play on it......a "rush" job if you will, so we didn't get too creative with it, we stuck with the original formula rhythm section wise and that allowed Sheldon Tarsha (Vox) and Ryan Roxie (Guitar) to really shine a bit on this. I've done quite a few things that Marko has put together in the past.

2. Rock Zone: - You appear on the cover of VINNIE VINCENT's solo song "That Time Of The Year" which originally featured Mark Slaughter on lead vocals....My question is that when recording the track which also features Sheldon Tarsha and Ryan Roxie did you guys try to put your own spin on the song or did you try to record it as close to the original recording as you could?

TPF: - Because I had little time to actually track the drums and with Marko being from Finland and Roxie in Stockholm, it made it difficult to experiment with it. I hope next time to have a bit more time to really consider some options with the song. Our best bet was to stick to the original formula which worked so well in 1988.

3. Rock Zone: - Was it the record company that put you, Ryan, and Sheldon together to record the track? How did such a cool group of musicians come together to record the song?

TPF: - Marko has done quite a few of these for various labels that put people together that may not ever have opportunity to do this. You have to take in consideration that Sheldon and I were the only ones in Los Angeles and the others (Roxie and Marko) were in Scandinavia. I did the drums here in LA and uploaded the files (Pro Tools) to my server and Roxie and Marko both downloaded them and played their part.

4. Rock Zone: - Would you consider yourself a VINNIE VINCENT fan? Taking this question one step further would you say you were a bigger fan of VINNIE VINCENT's work with KISS or his solo work?

TPF: - I actually think Vinnie was a freak on guitar. He really pushed the limits and I think he do so because he had something to prove. I really dig the VVI albums and think Slaughter was great on the album he tracked. Lick It Up was cool too.

5. Rock Zone: - How happy are you with the way the song came out?

TPF: - It came out's probably the only track that will be close to the original (and not many people can pull off Mark Slaughter)!! We didn't tune down for this either and Tarsha hits every note. He did a great job at mixing too.

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