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Click to enlarge GENE SIMMONS' Wit & All-American Wisdom
From: Edmonton Sun

Posted: October 2, 2008

GENE SIMMONS was speaking Edmonton at the Entrepreneurs Organization chapter, just a shoot-from-the hip reflection on whatever came to the most successful entrepreneur and entertainer's mind.

What he had to say.

Of the stock market meltdown. "Living in Israel with rocket holes in the wall. Those were scary times. These are not scary times.

"This the best time to buy. I'm buying everything I can. The market just dropped 800 points and you could afford to pay $2,500 to have dinner with this a--hole," he said, pointing at himself. "Go and buy!"

"America's been greedy and drowning in debt. We all thought we should live in $1 million houses, when we should have bought $100,000 ones. So the market turned around and kicked us in the balls."

As he took off his sunglasses, "Why am I wearing dark glasses? It's not like it's sunny in here! Just another asshole rock star affectation."

"I lived with my mom until I was 22. I didn't drive or own a car until I was 34. I lived in New York City, who needed a car? My mom made me pay 20% of my income in rent, kept my feet on the ground, kept me sensible.

On former KISS-mates ACE FREHLEY and PETER CRISS, eventually kicked out of the band by Gene and Paul: "They're both on their third bankruptcies. They did that to themselves.

"It's hard work getting rich. I love to work. I work eight days a week. I never take a holiday.

"Ladies, never marry guys in their 20s. They're morons. They don't have any money. They're not worthy of you.

On self-confidence: "I think I'm good, really, really good. And when I look in the mirror, I think I'm really handsome. It's delusional. But it works!

"If there's anything worth spending money on, it's improving your language and people skills. You are your main product. The more people like you, the more likely they'll be to invest in you. Motivational speakers - you always get something out of them, because they know how to talk."

When asked about family and holidays, given his work habits.

"I live in Beverly Hills! Everybody wants to come to my place for vacation! My TV show is filmed at home. Do I see enough of my kids. Sure. Do they want to see me? I'm 59! My son's 19. They never had allowances. They wanted money, they did chores. We have one absolute rule. You will never be high or drunk in my house. If you are caught, I will kick your Beverly Hills butt straight into a work camp in the Arizona desert.

"Love your mother, fear your father.

"I'm not your friend!" I tell my kids. "I'm your father!"

Why did his kids turn out so well?

"Because we did not negotiate with them. I told them at an early age: You are not qualified to assess my decisions because you are an uninformed amoeba. There are repercussions when you make a bad decision. I'm bigger than you are. This is my house, not yours. I paid for it. Your room is not your room, it's my room.

"Finally, my lovely un-wife (they have never married) of 20 years Shannon Tweed. When she gets mad at the kids, watch out. Her eyes roll back like a shark about to feed."

"What's more important, love or money? Well when you have a starving child in your hands, love isn't going to help him survive. First you need money."

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