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Click to enlarge KISS Drummer Wows Fans At Expo
From: Times Transcript

Posted: October 20, 2008

ERIC SINGER, drummer for legendary KISS, never takes fans for granted!

The KISS Army invaded the Crowne Plaza Hotel (Moncton, Canada) yesterday, and they were armed.

Hundreds of fans of the band KISS, loaded down with posters, records, CDs and other band memorabilia, lined up for a chance to meet ERIC SINGER, the genial drummer for legendary KISS.

Singer, who arrived fashionably late, proved a good host, spending as much time as he could with each fan and signing just about anything put in front of him, including T-shirts that were still being worn at the time.

"He's a good guy," Monteith said, clutching two ancient vinyl presses from the venerable rockers.

"Here's a guy who plays with two historic rock bands and it never went to his head. He could be out golfing today but no, he's here meeting the fans."

Singer's appearance was engineered by Marty LeBlanc, the brainchild behind yesterday's first-ever KISS Expo, held in conjunction with the twice-yearly record expo put on by LeBlanc's LiveWire Music Emporium, located on Mountain Road.

"I just e-mailed him on his private site," LeBlanc recalled yesterday.

"From there it's history."

That's pretty typical for Singer, LeBlanc said, explaining the drummer is noted for holding fans close to his heart.

Indeed, in an earlier interview, Singer told Canadaeast News Service he doesn't think of himself as anything special.

"I never look at myself as anything more than anybody else. I'm just a regular guy that plays drums," he said.

"But I know I'm in a unique position where I'm very fortunate and blessed that I've been able to have the career I've had, that I've gotten to play with the bands I've gotten to play with."

Casual drummers drool over Singer's career. He's twice been drafted by the KISS Army, joining the group first in 1991 and again a few years ago. Besides the equally legendary Alice Cooper, he's drummed for Black Sabbath, Lita Ford and other big-name acts.

It's a testament to the professionalism and the skill the 50-year-old Singer has exhibited in his lengthy career.

The Bracelets allowing fans to meet Singer were snapped up in advance. Yesterday, the fans were lined up clear around the Fundy Lounge in the basement of the hotel, just waiting for the chance to chat with him.

Since forming in 1972, KISS has sold over 80 million albums, were pioneers in the band merchandising business with everything from KISS toy cars and dolls to their own cartoon show and were the band who popularized the trend of musicians donning wild make-up and costumes during performances.

Thirty-five years later, they remain one of rockdom's most popular, and profitable, acts.

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