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Click to enlarge Brothers Rock Star And Super Star Do Their Homework
From: Super And Rock Star

Posted: December 9, 2008

Well, here we are again. Rock Star and Super Star, faced with having to meet again with the great PAUL STANLEY at the Wentworth Gallery in La Jolla, CA. This time, however, our meeting was a bit different. Sure, every time we get a chance to see him, we go buy a piece of his art. His work is beautiful; we cannot deny this. So, we buy it. But we also go with an agenda. Over the years, in countless interviews, he has taught his fans that if you want something, go out and get it! We are opportunists, and our desire to work with such a fine and accomplished musician can only come to fruition if we are willing to work hard enough for it. We are sure that after last night's meeting with him, he sees this now more than ever. The last time we had an opportunity to see him was during the dinner we were able to attend with him in Washington. (See here for story) There he jokingly gave us a homework assignment, which I don't think he thought we would take so seriously. However, we did. More on that in a bit…

Throughout the years Paul has unknowingly given Rock Star and me a sense of street smarts. He has also given us a keen sense of marketing and because of this we are able to apply what he has instilled in us into our own ventures. (see For this, we owe a great deal of gratitude to Paul and what better way to thank him than to have a custom guitar made for him! Rock and I knew this Washburn PAUL STANLEY KISS PS8500 LTD Preacher Guitar that we had professionally covered with Swarovski crystals would be a hit, but I had no idea how much so until he bent down, opened up that guitar case, and I saw his eyes light up. I knew right then and there that we had taken the right initiative and done something so magical for him that we made our mark in Kisstory and gave him the thank you he deserves. We did this on behalf of not only ourselves, but for all the KISS fans out there that might not have the means to do so. We could tell this meant something to him. Little did he know how much it meant to us. He immediately picked it up and told us he'd be playing it on stage soon and with that we knew we'd given him the perfect thank you gift. So again, Paul, thank you for giving us the confidence to believe in ourselves. Thank you.

With this trip to La Jolla, we had also planned a surprise for someone else special in our lives. This special person would be Rock Star's fiancé. It was her birthday and what better gift to give her than a self-portrait, painted by none other than PAUL STANLEY himself. Paul is a very genuine and sincere man. His love for his music, art, and his fans go way above and beyond what I have seen in working with some other musicians in this business. This passion is also reflective in his paintings; this is why we knew he would be the perfect man to commission for this job. Like everything else we do, we approached the right people, took the right steps, and made what seems an almost impossible request come to life and to reality. I have to admit, I was not fully sure what to expect when Paul unveiled the portrait he painted to her last night at the gallery. Sure, I knew it would be great, just like his other works. But I did not expect it to be so magnificent, so well thought out, filled with spectacular colors and painted obviously with such emotion that it was able to make even me a bit teary-eyed. Rock's fiancé loved the piece and she is looking forward to hanging it over the fireplace, Paul. Thank you again. Just like her, it is beautiful.

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Now, back to the above mentioned homework assignment that Paul had given us at a previous meeting. Paul gave us the opportunity a couple months ago to come up with ten possible tour names for the next KISS tour in the U.S. He may have done this jokingly, but we took it as a serious task. We knew we would be seeing him again at this show, so we knew this was our greatest chance at impressing Paul with our creative sense. We also knew the delivery of this assignment couldn't be just in the names. It had to be in the presentation. We could not walk in with just a Word document with ten names on it. No way! We knew we had to take that extra step, go that extra mile, just as he has to do each day for his fans, in order to give to us what we expect from him. Pure greatness! So with this, Rock Star and I thought of some killer names, came up with some exciting and creative concept logos for the names, and, with help from our commissioned artist, presented these to him, formatted and laid out nicely on a nice large piece of laminated poster board. "Not just poster board, but laminated poster board!"(chuckles Rock Star in the background.) This way, if he didn't like any of the tour names, he was sure to notice our effort and see that each name and design was well crafted and carefully thought out. Thank you for this opportunity, Paul. We hope you enjoyed them as much as we enjoyed putting them together. Now, hopefully you will use one!

I also wanted to mention that ERIC SINGER showed up and could not have been more of a nice guy. While talking with him, I was able to see just why he is the sought after player he is. This guy is such a professional and so business oriented that it's obvious why he is as successful as he is. Thank you for taking the time, Eric, to talk and coach my brother and me on a few things. Your advice will help take us to a whole other level. For this, we could not be more grateful.

Click to enlarge Rock Star and I are now working with Grammy-award winning producer Bob Kulick, alongside his partner, Brett Chassen, (also with Chris Caffrey as producer on a few explosive tracks) in putting together our forthcoming concept CD that will be based on our soon-to-be published book, due to be released mid-2009. And all this was made possible by some kid named Stanley from New York, who went out and started a little band called KISS, and showed some of us along the way who were watching and listening, how to go out and get what they want also.

So fans, there it is, a recap of what just happened in the last few hours. Remember where Paul is. Remember how hard he has worked. Just like you, Rock Star and I refuse to take Paul, his work, KISS, and everything else that surrounds him for granted. Instead, we will use his work it as an example of what we are able to achieve in our own lives. Thanks Paul! We are now on our way!

Until next time…

Super Star and Rock Star!

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