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Click to enlarge One Step Closer To PAUL STANLEY
From: Rock And Super Star
Posted: February 13, 2009

Rock Star and Super Star have come a long way in their quest to achieve their milestone of someday saying that have worked with PAUL STANLEY. They have taken giant steps forward to ensure that PAUL STANLEY himself knows this through a vast array of different approaches. "I know we have his attention and he knows we are here, so to me that's a great start," says Super Star.

Even if the road for the boys seems glamorous to others, it has not been to them. "We have found out why LA is the city of fallen angels," says Rock Star. "It's true," says Super Star. "We were completely naive when we first started our ventures six months ago to start raising awareness for our non-profit, We are One (named after their favorite KISS song), and its mission. We were just two kids fresh from the Midwestwith a dream. Dreams of wanting to help kids early in their recovery from drug and alcohol abuse stay clean and sober through the power of Rock & Roll," said Super Star. Unfortunately, they have fallen victim to the sharks that often sit looking for their next prey here in Hollywood. "We have been ripped off and scammed left and right, and, because of this, it's getting tougher to meet our needs of fulfilling what it is we came out here to do," says Super Star. However, don't count the Star brothers out just yet. Using KISS as their template, the twins are pushing forward. There were many times when it seemed like KISS was done, but each time they proved the naysayers wrong, didn't they? Says Rock Star, "Super Star and I will prevail. As long as our heart is in it and we have the best of intentions, I don't see how we could ever lose - no matter what the outcome."

Rock Star and Super Star do have another success story under their belt that they are very excited about sharing with members of the KISS community. Their forthcoming effort titled "Serenity" is a bone chilling and emotional 12-track concept CD based on the struggle of drug addiction between the two brothers. "With help from Bob Kulick and his partner, Brett Chassen, we are moving as fast as we can to get this CD out there. Our music is like no other and will blow you away!" says Rock Star.? They don't have the great PAUL STANLEY behind the mike yet, but they were able to line up a solo or two from BRUCE KULICK on one of the most explosive inspirational tracks to come out in music in years. Not only were they successful in lining up Bruce for the solo (in an effort, of course, to make it primed and ready for PAUL STANLEY, according to them), they were also able to convince him to bring in a very special guitar. "It's the very same guitar that was used on some classic KISS songs, including "Larger than Life", from KISS Alive 2, "Tonight You Belong to Me", from PAUL STANLEY's 1978 solo album, and the anthem "God Gave Rock & Roll to You 2", from KISS Revenge. The guitar is a beautiful 1953 Les Paul. "The tone is unmistakably KISS," says Super Star. "It's enough to give any KISS fan chills upon first listen and never in a million years did I ever imagine it would be able to be heard on one of our songs," says Super Star. "I think Bruce did this because he knows we are going to reach a lot of people and are going to send the most positive message. He was awesome to work with and I can't believe how much his playing contributed to the track. He's a monster! It gives me just another reason to stay sober and should prove to everyone that sobriety is cool!" continues Super Star.

Rock Star and Super Star continue to prove the doubters wrong. Keep it up guys - can't wait to see what you do next!

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